February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Between 12% and 35% of teens have experienced some form of violence in a dating relationship from pushing and shoving to hitting.
Stop Relationship Violence
Approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.
Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age that has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.
Does one person in the relationship.. Insult his/her significant other in public? Act really jealous if his/her boy/girlfriend talks to others? Check in on the other constantly? Blow disagreements out of proportion? Threaten to break up, or constantly worry/accuse that the other will break up with them? Break or hit things to intimidate the other? Blame the other for their own problems?
Does the other person.. Constantly cancel plans for reasons that don’t sound true? Always worry about making their boy/girlfriend angry? Give up things that are important? Show signs of physical abuse, like bruises or cuts? Get pressured into having sex, or feel like a sex object? Have a boy/girlfriend that wants them to be available all the time? Become isolated from friends or family?
Relationships are about equality not control
Dating Violence is NEVER ok
Dating Violence Words used to intentionally hurt, frighten, minimize feelings, put down, or threaten another person. Physical force or violent behavior used to maintain control over a person, injure or frighten a person, or to get what one wants. Any unwanted behaviors or actions that are sexual in nature. Forced sex, deliberate embarrassment during sex, sexual names, manipulation into having sex, physical threats to pressure someone into sex, or drug/alcohol use to impair someone’s judgment
Verbal Abuse and Physical Abuse Have No Place In A Relationship
Refuse a DateBe Heard Refuse any activities, even if my date is excited about them Suggest Activities Refuse affection Have my limits and values respected Tell my partner when I need affection Refuse to lend money Refuse sex any time, for any reason Have friends and space aside from my partner Tell someone not to interrupt me Have my own feelings and be able to express them
1 in 5 teens have been abused by a partner
Half of girls who have experienced sexual pressure report they are afraid the relationship would break up if they did not give in
Stop Relationship Violence
Nearly 1 in 4 girls who have been in a relationship reported going further sexually than they wanted as a result of pressure
Common indicators of dating violence: – Physical signs of injury – Truancy, dropping out of school – Failing grades – Indecision – Changes in mood or personality – Use of drugs/alcohol – Unwanted Pregnancy – Emotional outburst – Isolation
If you see abuse Be specific about what you saw, and how it made you feel. "I didn’t like it when you told your girlfriend/ boyfriend they were stupid in front of all of us, and I can only imagine how it made them feel."
If you see abuse Take a stand. "I’m not going to sit here as your friend and watch this happen and not say anything about it."
If you see abuse Give them a reality check. Their abusive actions will have consequences. "This is a crime, and you could be arrested."
If you see abuse Urge them to seek help. He or she can talk to a counselor, a coach, a member of the clergy, any trusted adult. “You’ve got to talk to someone about your behavior.”
“I'm sorry” he says taking her hand. “It's just that I miss you when you're not around. I'm sorry I lost my temper.”
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do…
Stop Relationship Violence
Just because a violent relationship is over, doesn't mean the risk of violence is over. Stay safe and maintain peace of mind by talking to friends and family.
Help Is Available
Columbia-Greene Domestic Violence All Services are Free and Confidential Need help? Call now: 24-hour Hotline: (518)
"On a daily basis, women are beaten, threatened, sexually and emotionally abused, not by strangers, but by husbands and partners with whom they share their lives."
Columbia-Greene DV Helps with Shelter: The Domestic Violence Program can arrange emergency shelter which provides a safe place, food and supportive services for battered women and their children. Legal Services: Our staff can discuss legal options with you and assist you in obtaining Orders of Protection from the family or criminal courts. We can assist you with filing claims to the Crime Victims Board.
Columbia-Greene DV Helps with Social Services: You may be eligible for emergency funds from the Department of Social Services. Our staff will advocate on your behalf with the local department. Supportive Services/Counseling: Our program provides supportive services and counseling for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Stop Relationship Violence