The ‘Blonde’ image and P & D pictures logo are trademarks of P & D Pictures © 2006 Jeremy Parker, P & D pictures Graphics © 2006 Bryn Davies, P & D Pictures
P & D Pictures Presents
A Parker Films Productio n
Borin Industries Outpost, China
White Knight to base: It’s Just a few weapons, Shall I destroy Them?
Base to White knight: Go Ahead If you must
Die Today
Jeremy Parker
Blonde.bmp as Bryn Davies’ James Blonde
Blonde.bmp as Bryn Davies’ James Blonde
Die today
Ah triple O seven You’re here at last
Here’s your car
Watch out!!
Obviously it does all the things a normal car does
But it does much more
Auto firing machine guns, and seeking missiles
Reversing number plate and ejector seat
Smoke screen and heat seeking missiles
And Invisibility
And You’re quite sure you’ve got insurance
Yes Blonde
Right Blonde you’re here. Follow me
n OK, You know that base in china you destroyed? Yes
n Well I want you to find out all you can about why it was there OK
Borin Industries
…and if we sell the weapons to terrorists we get way more than the government gives us…
Borin Industries
He’s gone into the woods, I’d better chase him
Well I guess that’s that You have meddled in my affairs to long, Mr. Blonde Grab him boys! Let’s kill him Tie him to his nice car and let him burn!
So where did Borin go now? Watch Bingo Royale to find out
Directed By Jeremy Parker
Executive producer Bryn Davies
Title by Simon
Chief of marketing Ben Smith
Jeremy Parker Bryn Davies Ben Smith Ieuen Davies Felicity Parker Simon Harry Sparkes Blonde.bmp N.Gif Borin.jpg S.Gif Enemy.jpg
Parker Films Benny Movies P & D Pictures In association with Twitchamoo Enterprises