Governors Introduction Part One WELCOME Understanding Your Role Strategic Leadership Introductions Introduce yourself and share the following information:


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Presentation transcript:

Governors Introduction Part One WELCOME Understanding Your Role Strategic Leadership Introductions Introduce yourself and share the following information: 1.What category of governor you are 2.How long you have been a governor 3.How many meetings you have attended

Governors Introduction Part One Welcome To Governace This edition (published in January 2014) takes you through recent changes in education, including curriculum and assessment, funding (including the pupil premium), data dashboards and Ofsted, and the School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances)

Governors Introduction Part One Roles and Responsibilities of GB To help schools to provide the best possible education for their pupils In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors Introduction Part One Shared Strategic Leadership Building a productive and supportive relationship with the headteacher while holding them to account for school performance and taking hard strategic decisions 1.Governors are responsible and accountable in law and in practice for major decisions about the school and its future. 2.Governors are equal partners in leadership with the headteacher and the senior management team. 3.Governors should strive to achieve school improvement and help schools ensure that every child gets the best possible education and does as well as s/he can.

Governors Introduction Part One Your Schools Vision Developing strong vision statements can help stakeholders in your school reach a common understanding A vision is your school's goal — where you hope to see it in the future. A Mission is the steps…. Setting the school’s values, strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making creative use of resources

Governors Introduction Part One Strategic Direction It involves asking the questions: Where are we now? ( N) Where do we need to be? ( F) How do we know? (K)

Governors Introduction Part One Strategic Development Plan

Governors Introduction Part One School Development Plan

Governors Introduction Part One Monitoring

Strategic Vs Operational Strategic The plans made or the actions taken in an effort to help the organisation fulfil its intended purpose Governors Introduction Part One

Strategic Vs Operational Operational To be involved or doing Governors Introduction Part One

Strategic Vs Operational Governors Introduction Part One Card 1: Absence and punctualityS or O? Review and re-issue school policy on pupils taking term-time holidays. Set up systems to text parents if their child is absent. Improve tracking systems to identify pupils (and parents) for particular attention. Issue joint statements from headteacher and chair of governors explaining the importance of regular attendance and punctuality, publishing targets for improvement and describing actions to be taken. Commission survey of pupil views to discover what would make school attendance more attractive. Set up system to reward good attendance. Publish (weekly) an analysis of attendance by each class or year cohort and engender a sense of competition to achieve highest attendance. Set up systems to identify persistent latecomers and identify and address reasons. Consider establishing or further promoting school breakfast club.

Governors Introduction Part One Roles and Responsibilities 1.How does your governing body work strategically? 2.Do you have clear goals? 3.How do you know how well your school is performing? 4.On what evidence do you base your judgements? 5.What is the relationship between the school's self evaluation and the school’s strategic plan?

TimeItemOwnerPurposePaperwork 18:001Welcome & Apologies Identification of any urgent business not on the agenda Hilda IngramInformation 18:052Election of ChairClerkDecision 18:153Budget report – highlights and issues arising Fred TrentInformation/DecisionReport required 18:104Communication Strategy review of effectiveness Hilda IngramDecision 18:205White PaperJulia MastInformation/TrainingWhite Paper summary 18: 506Governing Body Code of Conduct - progress report and feedback Hilda IngramInformation and possible decision Draft manifesto 19:007Issues raised by Curriculum Committee see below Jeff NorthDecision 19:108Possible Associate MembersHilda IngramDecision 19:1510Health & Safety Report – Issues ArisingAndy SmetInformation and decision 19:3011School Development Plan- progress check InformationStrategic plan 19:4512AOB 20:00Close of meeting

Governors Introduction Part One REDOperational YELLOWSupport PURPLEChallenge GREENStrategic

Governors Introduction Part One True or False Quiz

Does My Governing Body: Governors Introduction Part One 1.think and act strategically? 2.know about and take into account recent changes in education and children’s services? 3.canvass and take into account the views of parents, pupils and others in the community? 4.keep abreast of possible future trends and changes? 5.ever get involved with the more operational day-to-day management of the school?

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Governors Handbook Governors Introduction Part One Governors’ handbook For governors in maintained schools, academies and free schools