Richard Newcombe Chair, Provider Engagement Network
Introduction ‘Care is my business’ How engagement has worked in the past? –10 years ago we began to explore a different model for domiciliary and community based care How does engagement work now? –Provider Engagement Network
Provider Engagement Network Formalised what was an ad-hoc structure Formal, small scale forums, easing communication Shared responsibility and ownership through the Co-Chair format The election of the provider co-chairs gave a degree of legitimacy and authority to their role The county Forum (fours times a year) allows for representation at the highest level within ACS and with other major stakeholders, Health CQC.
New Structure Through the sub groups providers have a clear role in the development of the authorities commissioning plans. The ongoing success of the PEN is largely in our hands we must make a strong and consistent commitment to it but be prepared to challenge A healthy, and flexible independent sector is essential if the commissioner are to meet their responsibilities within the budget that is available to them.
Provider Engagement Network County Strategic Provider Group ACS Strategic Leadership Team Joint Strategic Commissioning Team Safeguarding Adults Board PEN Locality Groups (East, South, North) Strategic Commissioning Quality and Regulation Communication and Improvement Purchasing and Procurement Workforce Development PEN Subgroups Trade Associations (DICPA, DCPA etc) DCC Corporate Leadership Team Devon County Council Cabinet NHS Executive Team NHS Devon Board
Market Position Statement welcome the move of the LA toward the publication of the Market Position statement. It is a work in progress and quite clearly must be seen in with a view to the unknown No doubt, it will change, it will have to, part of the influence on that change need to be your input. It represents a statement of intent that we will respond to. The independent sectors greatest strength is our ability to respond flexibly and quickly to market demand
How can we do it?