Effective Representation for Health and Wellbeing Liam Hughes Chair, Oldham HWBB and Associate of the LGA and Networkidea
The New Landscape for Health and Wellbeing HealthWatch, CQC (and Monitor) Overview and Scrutiny NHS Commissioning Board Clinical Commissioning Groups Public Health England Transfer of (some) public health staff and functions to local councils Health and Wellbeing Boards
Health and Wellbeing Boards - the policy ambition! People and Places Better Outcomes JSNA Service Integration Health and Wellbeing Productivity Efficiency
Health and Wellbeing Boards Committees of the Council – like none other! Strategic leadership for the health and wellbeing system Partners – Councillors, GPs, Statutory Officers and HealthWatch plus … Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Health and Wellbeing Strategies Informing, Influencing, Directing “Holding to Account”
Improving health, reducing health inequalities Wider determinants of health Lifestyles and health behaviours Services – access, quality, integration Health protection and resilience
Board Effectiveness Leadership and partnership Strategies, priorities, needs and assets Community engagement and communications Co-production (?) Governance and accountability Impact and outcomes
The Oldham Story A Co-operative Community Localities and a life-course approach 3 Strategic Themes: - Giving every child the best start in life - Living, learning and working well - Ageing well and later-life care
HealthWatch in Oldham Individual complaints and advocacy - Greater Manchester Information, advice and advocacy - Gaddum Influencing - Gaddum
Some emerging issues (1) HealthWatch “HealthWatch : caught in the middle?” -corporate member of board - independent voice for local people Independent yet established by council Not about individual cases or conditions “Being a critical friend” – a skilled performance! Who will be most suited?
Some emerging issues (2) CVF Sectors Multiple voices - complexity Experience and information about assets and needs Commitment, passion and energy Resources Co-production: - involvement in the design phase - reviewing effectiveness
Making the jigsaw fit at local level: HWBBs, CCGs, Community, Voluntary and Faith Sectors, Providers and other partners….