Asset Management in Parks Whitehorse City Council
Asset Management Drivers Whitehorse City Council New Council Plan and Vision identified enhanced outcomes around Open Space and the Natural Environment. The Open Space Strategy. The Asset Management Strategy was adopted in It identified the need to update Asset Management Plans and document Levels of Service for all asset classes. The Challenge was to align each of these.
Council Plan/Vision Strategic Direction 1: Maintaining and enhancing a liveable and sustainable city. Strategic Direction 2:Protecting and enhancing our open space and natural environments. Strategic Direction 3: Support a healthy, vibrant, inclusive and diverse community. Strategic Direction 4:Strategic leadership and open and accessible government. Strategic Direction 5:Support a healthy local economy.
Council Plan/Vision Strategic Direction 2: Protecting and enhancing our open space and natural environments Strategic Goals A reputation for quality green, open spaces A natural environment that is well maintained and enhanced A leader in sustainability practices Guiding Principles Accessible and community friendly open spaces Enhanced biodiversity A high quality natural environment
Primarily what we’ve done is link The Council Vision and Council Plan with The Asset Management Plan and Service Delivery Standards. Process
Council Plan/Vision Asset Management Plan Purpose of the plan is to maintain park assets in a safe, tidy & functional manner. ParksWide Maintenance and Operations Service Delivery Standards To document ParksWide maintenance standards.
Examples of Service Delivery Standards W EEDS O UTCOME F REQUENCY High Profile Garden Beds Garden beds are maintained with less than 2% weed coverage. Weeds are no taller than 200mm at any time. Every 2 weeks (depending on seasonal variability) Medium Profile Garden Beds Garden beds are maintained with less than 10% weed coverage. Weeds are no taller than 400mm at any time. Every 2-3 weeks (depending on seasonal variability) Low Profile Garden Beds Garden beds maintained with less than 30% weed coverage. Weeds are no taller than 600mm at any time. Every 3-4 weeks (depending on seasonal variability) M ULCH High Profile Garden Beds Depth of mulch is maintained between 20mm and 100mm. Coverage of mulch is maintained at a minimum 95% of the garden bed. Approved mulch type for location. Quarterly Medium Profile Garden Beds Depth of mulch is maintained between 20mm and 100mm. Coverage of mulch is maintained at minimum 80% of the garden bed. Approved mulch type for location Quarterly Low Profile Garden Beds Depth of mulch is maintained between 20mm and 100mm. Coverage of mulch ismaintained at minimum 50% of the garden bed. Approved mulch type for location. Quarterly E DGES High Profile Garden Beds Lawns are mechanically edged. Law is maintained within 30mm of constructed edge. Every 2 weeks Medium Profile Garden Beds Grass is mechanically or chemically edged. Grass is maintained within 50mm of constructed edge. Chemical control dieback will not exceed 30mm from constructed edge. Every 2 months Low Profile Garden Beds Grass is mechanically or chemically edged. Grass is maintained within 100mm of constructed edge. Chemical control dieback will not exceed 30mm from constructed edge. Every 2 months
Sit back and think/review Challenge current practices Line of sight between Council Plan and operations on the ground. Where to from here? Test current Levels of Service Integrate into Corporate Management System. (Hansen) Assist with planning for future maintenance requirements. Outcomes