CRICOS Number 00213J Australian Health Protection Committee Disaster Health Strategic Leadership Program Prof. Gerry FitzGerald
CRICOS Number 00213J Session 4: Leadership Practice Incident strategic assessment Incident management Evaluation and reporting
CRICOS Number 00213J Aim The aims of this session are: to identify a strategic approach to leadership practice to develop an understanding of the application of strategic leadership in disaster health management to major incidents.
CRICOS Number 00213J Incident Assessment The overall assessment of an incident based on the environment in which the incident occurs, the impact of the incident and the capacity of the community to respond. It is affected by: the policy environment the planning environment the organisational environment the clinical challenge the social environment the political environment the operating environment
CRICOS Number 00213J The policy environment It is important to know and understand the policies and commitment of authorities to the preparation and management of an incident. Government legislation, statements and standards Government and community structures for incident management
CRICOS Number 00213J The policy environment What is the legal basis for a disaster declaration and consequence management? What legal authority is required to manage the disaster health implications? Who has the authority in your jurisdiction? Are they always available?
CRICOS Number 00213J The planning framework It is critical to know of, and understand, the full hierarchy of plans International plans and standards; in particular WHO plans and standards National disaster plan National plans for health in major incidents including special plans e.g. pandemic plan Local and organisational plans
CRICOS Number 00213J The organisational environment What are the structures and systems in place to help with planning and management of an incident? Committees Control centres Organisations government and non-government their roles and responsibilities
CRICOS Number 00213J The clinical challenge The nature of the incident what is the disease and how can we be sure? what is its clinical impact? The location and physical extent of the incident The extent of the incident how many people involved? how severe is the illness or injuries caused? The impact of the incident health impact social and economic impact
CRICOS Number 00213J The social environment Social cohesion Stability and control Communication structures Health beliefs Extent of international interest
CRICOS Number 00213J The political environment Who are the key stakeholders? What are their views? What authority will they exert? What impact will they have? How can they be managed to support the strategy?
CRICOS Number 00213J The operating environment Human resources number, skills and availability Consumables masks, drugs, PPE, food, fuel and power Facilities dedicated facilities scope for additional capacity Equipment ventilators transport infrastructure Information
CRICOS Number 00213J Incident management
CRICOS Number 00213J Incident management: the Eight Cs Command Control Coordination Communication Clinical Capability Continuity Containment
CRICOS Number 00213J Evaluating and reporting During and after the event there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of our response and to report on progress and outcomes. Briefing up to Ministers Briefing laterally to colleagues Briefing down to operatives
CRICOS Number 00213J Evaluating and reporting Reporting requirements: a requirement of government or officials inform official investigations of the incident including investigations by police or coroners to meet professional responsibilities to help manage the incident to inform improvements in planning and preparation
CRICOS Number 00213J Data elements Activity Patients numbers severity of injuries illness patterns: deaths admissions time in hospital outcomes Activity Equipment used quantum suitability Facilities used quantum suitability People involved
CRICOS Number 00213J Data elements Adverse events: description of any adverse events causation impact of the event lesson learned.
CRICOS Number 00213J Principles of reporting Objective Analytical Respect the privacy of individuals Brief Relevant Includes lessons learned Makes recommendations
CRICOS Number 00213J Debriefing Debriefing is an essential element of the process of evaluation. Personal debriefing involves confidential defusing of the participants to enable them to express their reactions and deal with any resultant stressors. Organisational debriefing involves the discussion of the event by those involved in its organisation, to learn from the experience and inform future planning and response.
CRICOS Number 00213J Personal debriefing The purpose of personal debriefing is to minimise long-term distress to those involved. The general principles of personal debriefing include: confidential non-judgemental and avoiding blame voluntary professionally facilitated multi-agency or whatever is comfortable for the participants
CRICOS Number 00213J Principles of debriefing Any debriefing should be confidential non-judgemental independently facilitated
CRICOS Number 00213J Session 4: Leadership Principles and Practice Prof. Gerry FitzGerald