API MEETING APRIL 2, 2015 Agenda on Wiki at hsprograms.pbworks.com
NCFE Waiver Likely for WCPSS State Board met this week, votes in May Indications: WILL grant WCPSS an NCFE Waiver Implications: Opportunities for integrated, synthesized exams PLT-made exams in May/June Teacher/PLT alignment Balanced Assessments: 4C’s– Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration Need to notify PLTs and get started on assessment
AP Summer Training College Board Scholarships 12 available slots See packet for courses and locations Complete Google form “AP Summer Institute Scholarship Application” Complete additional steps if teacher is selected District-Funded Training To be determined
Mathematics Intensified Algebra Study Participation Opportunity Letter from Triangle High Five to the Academic Standards Review Commission NC Quest Grant (Athens Drive, Broughton, Cary, Enloe & Millbrook only): Need 3 teacher participant names from Athens Drive, Broughton, and Enloe Have room for 3 additional participants Need no later than Monday April13th!!
Data Review High School API Meeting April 2, 2015 Sonia Dupree Michelle Gordon
Data Sources Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Comparison of EOC Results NCFE Results Spring 2013 to Fall 2014 1 st Semester Grade Distribution On the hsprograms wiki In Quicker in Test Results
Data Driven Dialogue Protocol Phase I: Predictions Phase II: Observations Phase III: Inferences
Phase II: Observations If you catch yourself using the following...., then stop! Because... Therefore... It seems... However...
Phase II: Observations Instead, frame statements like the following: I observe that... Over half the students are... Some patterns/trends that I notice... The percentage of students who... I’m surprised that I see...
Example: Math I Fall to Fall EOC Results The percentage of students scoring Level 4 or 5 increased by 0.7%. The number of students taking the Math I EOC increased by over 200. The number of students scoring at Level I increased by over 100.
Phase III: Inferences 1.Generate multiple explanations for your Phase II Observations 2.Identify additional data that may be needed to confirm/contradict your explanations 3.Propose solutions/responses 4.Identify data needed to monitor implementation of your solutions/responses What questions does the data answer? What questions does the data not answer?
Example: Math I Fall to Fall EOC Results Possible explanation: More students were placed into Math I this year based on the new placement guidelines. There was a significant increase in the number of students scoring at Level I. Therefore, the placement guidelines do not effectively predict which students will be successful in one-semester Math I. Additional data: Some schools offer Math IB in the fall semester. These EOC scores would be mixed in with the scores of students who took Math I in one semester. The data needs to be separated into these two groups to see if the increase in Level I’s can be attributed to students taking Math I in one semester.
Example: Math I Fall to Fall EOC Results Solutions/Responses: If the explanation is confirmed, dig deeper into the data to find the profile of students who were successful in Math I in one semester. Adjust the placement guidelines accordingly. Data to monitor: Compare Fall 2015 results to Fall 2014 to determine if there was a decrease in the number of students scoring Level I.
Your Turn! – Part 1 Private Think Time – first 3 minutes Use the handout to record your thoughts Discuss at your table Be prepared to share out!
10 minutes Fall to Fall Comparison of EOC Results & NCFE Results Spring 2013 to Fall 2014 Some things to think about... How does my school compare to the district? To other schools similar to mine? What trends do I see? How do Academic and Honors compare? Do they show the same trend? Who is teaching these courses? (new vs. experienced, stable PLT vs. inconsistency, etc.) What are the limitations of the data?
Grades Distribution: Stored Grades Report
Example: Clue High School
15 minutes Your Turn! – Part 2 Some things to think about... What issues or questions arise? Where are there consistencies? Where are there inconsistencies? Is there a relationship between the EOC/NCFE data and the Grades Distribution data? How could you use this data with a PLT? With a teacher?
Current Grades Report Live Gradebook Data All Intervention Coordinators have access to these reports in Powerschools & have been trained What timely data are you pulling now? How are you using the data?
Vision 20/20 Strategic Leadership
Vision 20/20
A Closer Look
Some Core Assumptions… No one number captures the learning and life skills of a whole person. Some students will pass or fail by a sliding window of 4 or 5 points. D’s do not indicate mastery or full preparation. They indicate minimum level of proficiency. There are some “high yield” best practices for getting those last 2 points before the buzzer sounds.
The Teacher The Student The Course School Structures and Practices
The Teacher The Student The Course School Structures and Practices
WCPSS The Teacher The Course The Student School Structures and Practices
On-Time Graduation That’s the way the ball bounces? Strategic Coaching and Playing