1.What is the sex of this pig? 2.What structure provides evidence of this?
3.What is the name of the structure labeled “4”? 4.What system is this organ part of? 5.What is the structure labeled 6? 6.What is the function of “6”? (What does it do?) 7.What is the structure labeled 2?
8. What is the gender of this pig? 9. What is the name of the structure labeled “A”?
10. What is the structure labeled “1”? 11. What is the function of that structure? 12. What is the structure labeled “4”? 13. What organ system are these structures a part of? 14. What is the structure labeled “6”? 15. What is stored in it?
16. What is the structure labeled “2”? 17. What is contained within this structure? 18. What is structure “1?” 19. What organ system is this a part of?
20. What is the structure labeled “1”? 21. What is the structure labeled “2”? 22. What is the structure labeled “3”?
23. What is the structure labeled “1”? 24. What is the name of the membrane surrounding it?
25. What is the structure labeled “6”? 26. What system is this a part of? 27. What is the function of this structure?
28. What is the name of the structure labeled “2”? 29. What is stored in this structure? 30. What is the function of this storage product?
31. What is the name of the structure labeled “P”? 32. What is one of the primary products it produces? 33. Into what specific structure does “P” release its hormones and enzymes?
34. What is the structure labeled “4”? 35. What part is this structure similar to in humans?
36. What is the name of the structure labeled “3”? 37. What system are these part of?
38. What is the name of the structure labeled “1”? 39. In which direction does blood flow in this? (To or from the heart) 40. What is the structure labeled “2”? 41. Does this structure contain oxygenated or deoxygenated blood?
42. What is the name of the section marked “A”? 43. What is the name of the section marked “B”? A B
44. What is the name of the structure labeled “A”? 45. What is the name of the blue blood vessel leading away from “A”?
46. What is the name of the organ labeled “A”? 47. What is the name of the organ labeled “C”?
48. What is the name of the structure labeled “A”?