Neurons: The Nerve Cells
Our Goals Today Identify and give functions for each of the following: dendrite, cell body, axon, axoplasm, and axomembrane Differentiate among sensory, motor, and interneurons with respect to structure and function Relate the structure of a myelinated nerve fibre to the speed of impulse conduction, with reference to myelin sheath, Schwann cell, node of Ranvier, and saltatory transmission Describe the structure of a reflex arc (receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and effector) and relate its structureto how it functions
Neuron Dendrite: conducts impulses towards a cell body Cell Body: contains the nucleus (maintains the cell) Axon: conducts impulses away from a cell body Axomembrane: cell membrane surrounding the axon Axoplasm: cytoplasm inside the axon Within each neuron the impulse travels in the following sequence: Dendrite → Cell Body → Axon
Types of Neurons Sensory Neurons Association or Interneurons Motor Neurons
Sensory Neurons Long dendrite, short axon Cell body and dendrite are located outside the spinal cord Conduct impulses to the spinal cord
Motor Neurons Short dendrite, long axon Long axon between the cell body and an effector (muscle or gland) Axon is located outside of the spinal cord Dendrite and cell body are located within the spinal cord
Interneurons Interconnect nerve cells – Sensory neurons with motor neurons Entirely in the CNS
Nerves Grouping of nerve cells (neurons) Mixed nerves: dendrites of sensory neurons and axons of motors neurons located in the same nerve May contain hundreds of long fibers Covered with a myelin sheath – Fatty tissue – Composed of Schwann cells wrapped around each nerve fiber – Areas between Schwann cells are called nodes of Ranvier Myelin sheath has two functions – Prevents cross-communication between neurons – Allows impulses to travel faster
Nerves Sensory Nerves Connected through a dorsal root Sensory neurons - cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglion Motor Nerves Connected through a ventral root Motor neurons - cell bodies are located in the spinal cord Cell bodies of motor neurons along with interneurons makes inner part of the spinal cord dark in colour (grey matter) Spinal Nerves: connected to the CNS at either the dorsal or ventral side of the spinal cord (mixed nerves) White Matter: outer regions of the spinal cord
Reflex Arc No thought required, protective mechanism Involves all 3 types of neurons 1)Receptor (eg. Pain receptor) detects a stimuli that exceeds the threshold and initiates an impulse 2)Impulse travels through a sensory neuron 3)To an interneuron 4)To a motor neuron 5)Axon of the motor neuron sends the impulse to the effector – Muscle (to cause movement) – Gland (cause a secretion) Synapse: connections between 2 nerve cells Brain will be alerted by other interneurons that reflex took place
Reflexive Arc
Remember Our Goals... Identify and give functions for each of the following: dendrite, cell body, axon, axoplasm, and axomembrane Differentiate among sensory, motor, and interneurons with respect to structure and function Relate the structure of a myelinated nerve fibre to the speed of impulse conduction, with reference to myelin sheath, Schwann cell, node of Ranvier, and saltatory transmission Describe the structure of a reflex arc (receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and effector) and relate its structureto how it functions