Presented By Ryan Barck and Dom Paradise
What are the biggest problems facing your group? What are the most important obligations you have as a group?
This is simply a guide for you to run more efficiently! Take Notes and utilize what we have provided for you.
Resident Chapter The Council consists of at least... Social Chair President (except as a tie breaker) Risk Manager Secretary (Recording) Member at Large Treasurer Vice President Chaplain VOTING Executive Board Lead by the Vice President, the E-Board The Chapter consists of... A Brother of the faculty or administration that wishes to be active in the Resident Chapter Duly Matriculated Graduate Brothers in good standing Chapter President * The Graduate Advisor serves only as an advisor to the Chapter NON- VOTING Scholarship Committee Chair * The Faculty Advisor serves as an advisor to the Executive Council Public Relations Historian Alumni Relations Recruitment chair Fundraising Sergeant- at-Arms House Manager Athletics Chair Community Service/ Philanthropy Campus Involvement Special events Postulant Educator
President: most time and energy toward achieving chapter goals and serving as liaison to alumni, university and HQ. Typically upperclassmen, (shouldn’t be popularity contest)
Vice president: guiding cabinet and committees/ chairmen VP is the backbone of the chapter. Responsible for making sure chairs do their job
Treasurer: chief financial officer Have two signatures on all checks, have financial statements reviewed at least once if not twice a semester for establishment of a budget
Risk management officer: Identify risks, develop plans to prevent risks Educate members on risks, develop DD program, Utilize FIPG, Update house with insurance and fire dept. etc.
Secretary: Responsible for updating rosters, taking meeting minutes, reporting new members, keep proper communication with the chapter Should be writing articles to the Garnet and White about the chapter
Postulant Educator: Teacher for all new members Utilizes material in Exoteric Manual Responsible for acquiring information on postulants and keeping
Member at Large- “Brotherhood Chairperson” Schedule Brotherhood events Relations chapter to chapter Serves as a mediator between feuding Brothers Organizes senior farewell, along with formal
Rush Chair- Scheduling events and recruiting members Should delegate responsibility and use year round recruitment Community Service- Utilize “Challenege the World Philanthropies” Positive community impact Record attendance and hours doing community service
Scholarship- Improve chapter’s overall GPA Offer resources and scholarship through AXPEF and the university Fundraising- Raise funds for a potential house Work at sports places, sell things, theme parks Make dues cheaper
Social Chair- Make your group the socially preferred group on campus Don’t just drink, be social, that’s the group you joined! Have fun events! Sergeant-at-Arms- Maintain order at meetings Disciplinarian
Other important Chairs: Ritual Chairman Alumni relations Athletics Historian Public Relations Campus Involvement House Manager Special Events
Brothers who take positions need to know what they are getting into! If one chair fails, they all fail Develop a Manual for your chair when you hold it, so it can be passed on (digital or paper copy)