Elizabeth Tanribilir Freytag’s pyramid for Goldilocks and the 3 bears Reading Grade level: Fourth grade Forward
Click on a slide to learn more! Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution Click here to take a short quiz! Freytag’s pyramid
Exposition The start of the story where you learn the setting and the characters. “In Goldilocks and the 3 bears,” we learn that the setting is at the 3 bears home. The characters are Goldilocks, the papa bear, mama bear, and baby bear. Press button Return to homepage
Rising Action Events in a story that build up to the climax. A few events that lead up to the climax in “Goldilocks and the three bears” are: -Goldilocks tries all of the bears porridge. -Goldilocks then tries out the 3 bears chairs, and breaks baby bears chair. -She then tries out the 3 bears beds, and falls asleep in the baby bear’s bed. Press button Return to homepage
Climax The most intense, exciting, or important point of a story (Turning point.) The climax of “Goldilocks and the 3 bears” is when the 3 bears come home and find out that someone ate their porridge, used their chairs, and tried out their beds. The bears find Goldilocks in the baby bear’s bed! Press button Return to homepage
Falling action The falling action of a story is events that occur after the climax, that lead to the resolution (end of a story.) The events that lead to the resolution in this story are: -Goldilocks wakes up and realizes that the three bears found her in baby bears bed. -She screams, “Help!” and runs down the stairs and heads for the door. Press button Return to homepage
Resolution The conclusion of a story, ties everything up. Goldilocks runs out of the house, but finds her way home! Moral of the story: She learns to not wander into anyone's house again Press button Return to homepage
Freytag’s pyramid Freytag's pyramid is the plot of a story that consists of five parts: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. This is used to piece together the events of a story. Press button Return to homepage
Falling action Climax Resolution Which part of Freytag’s pyramid is “The most intense, exciting, or important point of a story?” Falling action Climax Resolution
Press button to return to question. Incorrect! The falling action is the events that occur after the climax, leading to the end of a story. Press button to return to question.
Correct The climax is the correct answer! Click the button to return back to the opening screen
Press button to return to question Incorrect! The resolution isn’t the correct answer because it means that it is the end of the story, and it ties everything together. Press button to return to question