Subcommittee On Disaster Reduction: Inundation Working Group Co-Chairs: Mary Erickson (NOAA ), Bruce Ebersole (USACE) Completed interagency model inventory; OSTP one-pager Next step possibilities Data sharing (model runs, setups, grids, etc) Joint development, test, evaluation (models, tools) Joint communication approaches FY13 Briefing to OMB
The Bottom Line Customers Ask: How much water? Where will it go? How close to my house? When will it arrive, and how fast? When will it recede? the impact What is the impact on structures & ecosystem? How often will it occur? 3 We Must Provide: Total Water Level Inundation depth at street level Actionable informationActionable information to promote resilient and resistant risk-wise behavior
What will it take? Holistic Approach to Inundation Resilience mindset Partnerships ??? U.S. Joint Center for Inundation: Resilience for Coastal Communities
5 Build… Shelter…. Thrive