TYPES OF SCALES There are three major scales are used in today’s industries Architect Scale Engineer Scale Metric Scale
ARCHITECT SCALE Used to make drawings of buildings and building detail Six sided with 11 different scales Common scales on an architect scale other than the “full” scale of 16 The 16 or full scale is a standard ruler with each mark representing 1/16” of an inch The scales are usually grouped together when one factor is twice the other When scales are grouped together, one of the scales is read from one end of the instrument and the other scale is read from the opposite end. 1/8” = 1’-0”1/4” = 1’-0” 1/2”= 1’-0”1” = 1’-0” 1 1/2” = 1’-0”3” = 1’-0”
ENGINEER SCALE Also known as a civil scale Is used for measuring length and transferring length of larger scale plans such as site plans An Engineer Scale is divided into 6 scales Civil Engineer’s Scale DivisionsRatioScales Used with this Division 101:11” = 1”1” = 1’1” = 10’1” = 100’ 201:21” = 2”1” = 2’1” = 20’1” = 200’ 301:31” = 3”1” = 3’1” = 30’1” = 300’ 401:41” = 4”1” = 4’1” = 40’1” = 400’ 501:51” = 5”1” = 5’1” = 50’1” = 500’ 601:61” = 6”1” = 6’1” = 601” = 600’
ENGINEER SCALE The engineer scale and the architect scale are similar in appearance The engineer scale is designed to be more precise by using a decimal scaling scheme Whereas an architect’s scale uses fractional scaling. Engineer scales are only read from left to right where architect scales can be read from left to right and right to left.
METRIC SCALE Used for drawings made in metric units or meters The metric scale uses ratios Metric Scales Full Scale1:1 Half Scale1:2 One fifth Scale1:5 One twenty-fifth Scale1:25 One thirty-three and one-third Scale 1:33 1/3 One seventy-fifth Scale1:75
HOW DO WE USE ALL OF THE SCALES? To make a measurement, observe the scale from directly above. Mark the desired measurement on the paper by using a light perpendicular line made with a sharp pencil Keep your scale clean DO NOT DO NOT mark on the scale itself DO NOT DO NOT use the scale to draw straight lines
ARCHITECT SCALE To take a measurement with an architect’s scale follow these steps: Find the scale that matches the scale of the drawing Align the zero mark of the scale with one side of the object Read the foot measurement by finding the closest tick mark on the scale that is to the end of the object without going past the end of the object. Then read the inch measurement by counting the number of small tick marks that are located past the large tick mark.
EXAMPLES Answer: 1 - 5/16 Answer: 2 – 1/16 Answer: 2 – 3/4
ENGINEER SCALE To take a measurement with an engineer’s scale, first obtain the scale on the drawing. The scale will either be in an inch to feet equality (1” = 20’) or a ratio (1:20) Locate the matching scale on the engineer’s scale and line up the zero on the left side with the object being measured. Find the tick mark that lines up with the other end. Read the major marks and add the minor marks as the tenths and hundredths.
EXAMPLES Use the ratio 1” = 10’ Use the ratio 1” = 30’ Use the ratio 1” = 600’ Answer: 15.5’ Answer: 56’ Answer: 1150’
METRIC SCALE Metric scales can be used to reduce or enlarge a drawing Most metric drawings are drawn with a 1:1 metric scale. To use a metric scale, find the correct ratio that matches the drawing ratio Place the end of the object on the zero line Find the large tick mark to indicate the tens, then use the little tick marks to find the ones and decimal numbers.
EXAMPLES Answer: 460’ Answer: 92’ Answer: 75’