Los Adjetivos Posesivos.
agreePossessive adjectives agree in number with the noun they modify. NuestroNuestro and vuestro are the only ones that agree in gender as well as number. beforeThey are always placed before the noun they modify. Possessive adjectives agree with the thing possessed and not with the possessor. For instance, two male students would refer to their female professor as nuestra profesora.
possession apostrophe (‘) + s.In Spanish the construction de + noun can also indicate possession. It is the equivalent to the English apostrophe (‘) + s. deWhen the preposition de is followed by the article el, it contracts to del de + el = del no contractionThere is no contraction with any other articles. The only other contraction in Spanish is the preposition a followed by the article el. a + el = al
Adjetivos Posesivos