Algebraic expression Solving for the variable Or X
There are six steps Write original equation or “WOE” Distributive property Combine like terms Pemdas backwards (+and-) Pemdas backwards ( multiply and division) Make sure the variable is isolated
Here’s are equation 3(5+7x)=16x
3(5+7x)=16x 3(5+7x)=16x 15+21x=16x -16x -16x 15+5x= x= X=-3 First let’s “WOE” Then we do distributive property we combine like terms 1 st pemdas backwards The 2 nd pemdas backwards X is isolated
X is isolated Here’s our answer X=-3
3 (5+7x-3) = 16(-3) 3 (5+-21) = (-16) = = -48 the answer is right when Left = right
Created by Alex W. Problem Made by Alex W. Mr. Lubosco 8 th grade math class