Enrich Transformations and Polynomials Instructions with Technology Working with Algebraic Expressions iLearn Grade 8 Math Session 7 of 8
Focusing Questions How can area models be used to describe algebraic expressions? What technology resources exist to help us solve equations?
Framing The Session This session will demonstrate use of the SmartBoard software to develop understanding in expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions.
Teaching I will show a green tile and two yellow tiles How would you describe the area of the rectangle that is created? What is the length of the rectangle? What is the width of the rectangle? Guided Practice Explain how participants will practice the strategy you’ve taught.
Guided Practice Create a geometric model that represents the area of each algebraic statement below: 2x ( x + 4) (x + 3) (x - 2) Go to Page 2 of the Algebra Tiles file.
Work Time
Getting Started Working with a partner, create geometric models that focus on expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions. Page 361, Problem Set B ; #4 and 5 Page 379, Problem Set D; # 1 to 4 Pages 384 and 385; #5, 6 and 21
Work Time Go to How can an area model be used to determine if a polynomial can be factored?
This is a follow up to what participants learned. In this area you will provide a short explanation of what participants learned and indicate that it is now time to share the work of participants who did the work explained in the teaching i.e. Today we learned how to…now we will look at how a few of you… Share
How does the geometric model help explain the distributive property? How can SmartBoard software enhance the teaching of simplifying and expanding algebraic expressions? (Post answer on discussion board.) Share