Company LOGO Welcome Welcome High School Mathematics Educators.


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Presentation transcript:

Company LOGO Welcome Welcome High School Mathematics Educators

Ice Breaker Has ridden a horse Graduated from Towson University Shares your birthday month. Drives an SUV. Marci Frye MSDE Has taught in more than one school system. Can speak more than one language. Likes comedies.Plays a musical instrument. Write the name and school of a person who- Enter a new name in each box. Debby Ward MSDE

Content Teacher Session Outcomes High School Mathematics Teachers will: Outcomes High School Mathematics Teachers will: 1.Become familiar with the components of an MSDE Unit Plan. 1.Become familiar with the components of an MSDE Unit Plan. 2. Understand the value of each of the unit components. Day 1 Afternoon 3. Review lesson seeds through the lens of UDL.

Warm Up Warm Up Outcome: The participants will activate prior knowledge of the contents of the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Framework documents.

Warm Up 1.What information is found in the Maryland Common Core Curriculum Framework documents that were reviewed at last year’s EEA? A.Content standards and clusters that define the content in a high school course B.Essential Skills and Knowledge statements that help to clarify the standards C.Standards for Mathematical Practice that describe student behaviors D.All of the above

Warm Up Question #1-answer D. All of the Above Standards for Mathematical Practice Essential Skills and Knowledge Content Standards Cluster Statement

Warm Up 2. Which of the following statements about the Maryland Common Core Framework documents is false? A.The framework documents provide a scope and sequence. B.The high school framework documents reflect how the standards are arranged to form the units of a course. C.The 3 high school framework documents specify which H.S. standards are taught in Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. D.The high school framework documents were adapted from Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

Warm Up 2.Which of the following statements about the Maryland Common Core Framework documents is false? Answer A.The framework documents provide a scope and sequence. It will be up to local school systems to decide on a scope and sequence.

Warm Up 3. What does the star ( ★ )shown after a high school standard indicate? A.The standard is repeated several times in the course. B.The standard represents additional mathematics students should learn to prepare for advanced courses. C.The standard is a Modeling Standard. D.The standard is an extension of a previously developed concept.

Warm Up 3. What does the star ( ★ )shown after a high school standard indicate? Answer C. The standard is a Modeling Standard. Modeling is taught in relation to other standards and is woven throughout the high school curriculum. Note: All standards with a (+) represent additional mathematics students should learn to prepare for advanced courses.

Warm Up 4. What does the first letter in the code for a high school standard represent? A.The domain from which the standard is drawn. B.The cluster from which the standard was drawn. C.The conceptual category from which the standard was drawn. D.The course from which the standard was drawn. A.SSE.1

Warm Up 4. What does the first letter in the code for a high school standard represent? Answer C.The conceptual category from which the standard was drawn. The first letter in each high school standard represents one of the Conceptual Categories into which all high school standards are divided. Conceptual Categories Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Geometry Statistics and Probability A.SSE.1

Warm Up 5. What do the letters in the middle of the code for a high school standard represent? A.The domain from which the standard is drawn. B.The cluster from which the standard was drawn. C.The conceptual category from which the standard was drawn. D.The course from which the standard was drawn. A.SSE.1 Seeing Structure in Expressions

Warm Up 5. What do the letters in the middle of the code for a high school standard represent? Answer A.The domain from which the standard is drawn. Each conceptual category is divided into larger groups of related standards referred to as domains. Domains are subdivided into clusters which are smaller groups of related standards. A.SSE.1 Seeing Structure in Expressions

MSDE Unit Component -Overview Outcome: The participants will become familiar with the components of an MSDE unit plan.

Overview of Unit Components MSDE Unit Components

Unit Plans Provide “One Stop Shopping ” Information in unit plans gathered from:  Common Core State Standards for Mathematics  Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Frameworks  PARCC Content Frameworks  Appendix A (High School)  Current Maryland Toolkit  RTTT Projects  Maryland Educators

Unit Component Categories Big Picture Build Understanding Instructional Resources PARCC Content Framework components

Big Picture  Overview  Enduring Understandings  Essential Questions  Vertical Alignment

Building Teacher Understanding  Teacher Notes  Possible Student Outcomes  Possible Organization of Standards  Connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice  Content Standards with Essential Skills and Knowledge and Clarifications  Vocabulary/Terminology/Concepts  Common Misconceptions

Instructional Resources  Model Lesson Plan  Lesson Seeds  Sample Assessment Items  Resources  Interventions/Enrichments  Interdisciplinary Connections

PARCC Content Framework Elementary Examples of Key Advances from Grades K-8 Discussion of Mathematical Practices in Relation to Course Content Fluency Recommendations

MSDE Goals  By June 2012 – Two units per grade/course  By June 2013 – Remaining units for each grade/course  2013 – 2014 – Add/edit/polish units

Jigsaw Activity Outcome The participants will complete a jigsaw activity to become familiar with components of an MSDE unit plan.

JIGSAW Count off 1-5

Group 1 (pages 1-8) Overview Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Possible Student Outcomes Group 2 (pages 9-14) Possible Organization of Standards Connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice Group 3 (pages 15-20) Content Standards with Essential Skills and Knowledge, Clarifications and Teacher Notes Group 4 (pages 25-30) Vertical Alignment Common Misconceptions Group 5 (pages 32-39) Summary of Lesson Seeds Resources PARCC Components Component Review Groups

Unit Component As the expert on this component, how will you describe the contents to others? How would the information from this component be used by a teacher, school, or district? Overview (page 1) Provides summary of key topics along with key information about prior learning. Teacher- Course Outline School – Team Planning District- Curriculum Writing Enduring Understandings (page 2) Essential Questions (page 3) Jigsaw Task-Expert Group Sample Responses

Group 1 (pages 1-8) Overview Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Possible Student Outcomes Group 2 (pages 9-14) Possible Organization of Standards Connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice Group 3 (pages 15-20) Content Standards with Essential Skills and Knowledge, Clarifications and Teacher Notes Group 4 (pages 25-30) Vertical Alignment Common Misconceptions Group 5 (pages 32-39) Summary of Lesson Seeds Resources PARCC Components Component Review Groups

Move to new group Share highlights of “Expert” discussions Expert Sharing

Summary MSDE Unit Plan Does Provide Information to help build understanding of the new standards and how they fit together Instructional resources (under development) Does NOT Provide Scope and Sequence Daily lesson plans

Break Time

Unit Plan: In-Depth Review Outcome The participants will understand the value of the components of an MSDE unit plan.

Unit Plan: In-Depth Review Task Work with a partner to find the answers to the provided questions. Compare answers with another pair.

Debrief of In-Depth Review of a Unit Plan What was the answer to Question #2 and what is the value of this information?

Debrief of In-Depth Review of a Unit Plan What was the answer to Question #4 and what is the value of this information?

Debrief of In-Depth Review of a Unit Plan What was the answer to Question #8 and what is the value of this information?

Summary Each component of an MSDE Unit Plan provides important information about the new curriculum. It is important as educators that we become familiar with the value of each component so we know where to find important information.

Lesson Seeds Outcomes The participants will: Become familiar with the format of an MSDE Lesson Seed. Examine lesson seeds searching for evidence of adherence to the Principles of UDL

Lesson Seeds MSDE “Lesson Seeds” Facts Created by Maryland educators Provide learning experiences that teachers may build lessons around.

Lesson Seeds Domain Cluster Statement Standard Purpose/Big Idea: Materials: Description of how to use the activity: Guiding Questions: MSDE Mathematics Lesson Seed “Template”

Principles of UDL 3 Principles of UDL Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Action and Expression Multiple Means of Engagement The "what" of learningThe "how" of learningThe "why" of learning Present information and content in different ways Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know Stimulate interest and motivation for learning

Principles of UDL Make a paper wheel:

Universal Design for Learning VIDEO

Think-Pair-Share /Lesson Seed Review Think 1.How do the learning experiences described in the lesson seed support the development of : Mathematical Skills Conceptual Understandings Standard for Mathematical Practice 2. How do the learning experiences described in the lesson seed incorporate your assigned Principle of UDL?

Lesson Seed Review Pair All group members share insights to Question #1: Mathematical Skills Conceptual Understandings Standards for Mathematical Practice Mathematical Skills Conceptual Understandings Standards for Mathematical Practice

Lesson Seed Review Pair UDL Principle #1 UDL Principle #2 UDL Principle #3

Lesson Seed Review Share Algebra I Geometry Algebra II

Lesson Seed Review

Summary White Name one of the conceptual categories into which the high school mathematics standards are divided. Red Name one Standard for Mathematical Practice. Blue Name a unit component that provides the “Big Picture” about the unit. Green Name a unit component that contains information to help you Build Understanding. Yellow Name your favorite ice cream.. Orange Name one Principle of UDL.

Preparing for Tuesday Afternoon Project Project Choices Power Point Professional Development Module Enrichment Activity UDL Activity Professional Development Module Intervention Activity Enrichment Activity UDL Activity