Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 22) PowerPoint Flashcards
Word: assimilate Definition: to become more similar to a larger whole; especially, to blend into or adjust to a main culture Part of Speech: verb Link: melting pot Derivatives: assimilates, assimilated, assimilating, assimilation Sentence: The United States has often been called a “melting pot”—meaning that people of many cultures have assimilated, or blended together, within it.
Word: belligerent Definition: quick or eager to argue or fight; hostile; aggressive Part of Speech: adjective Link: to stop the belligerent statements Derivatives: belligerently, belligerence Sentence: To stop the belligerent statements that Bruce was making against his girlfriend, we thought that a little humiliation was in order.
Word: demeanor Definition: conduct; outward behavior; manner Part of Speech: noun Link: computer lab demeanor Derivative: demeanors Sentence: Our computer lab demeanor would be different than how we acted at a bowling alley.
Word: denunciation Definition: a strong expression of disapproval; an act of condemning, especially publicly Part of Speech: noun Derivative: denunciations Link: political candidates Sentence: I hate the denunciations of opposing political candidates, especially during Presidential election years.
Word: dissipate Definition: to thin out or scatter and gradually vanish; drive away Part of Speech: verb Link: feeding the birds Derivatives: dissipates, dissipated, dissipating Sentence: After she finishes feeding the birds, they will dissipate. They don’t hang around unless there is food involved (kind of like some people).
Word: indolent Definition: lazy; avoiding or disliking work Part of Speech: adjective Link: couch potato Derivative: indolently Sentence: This couch potato is so indolent that the only thing she does other than sit on the couch is bathe, sleep, and go to the bathroom. She says she is allergic to work.
Word: inherent Definition: existing as a natural or essential quality of a person or thing; built-in Part of Speech: adjective Link: mud slides Derivative: inherently Sentence: Mud slides are an inherent danger in Seattle, Washington.
Word: nonchalant Definition: calm, carefree, and casually unconcerned Part of Speech: adjective Link: unconcerned Derivative: nonchalantly Sentence: George seemed unconcerned, or nonchalant, about the dismal figures on the Year End Sales.
Word: unassumimg Definition: modest; not boastful or arrogant Part of Speech: adjective Link: unassuming muse Derivative: unassumingly Sentence: This two-part series explores the distinguished career of Utah pianist, educator, and composer, Reid Nibley through his own personal musings and performances. It is titled “Reid Nibley: Musical Musings of an Unassuming Muse.”
Word: unilateral Definition: involving or done only by one side Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: unilaterally Link: without asking permission Sentence: Janice made a unilateral decision to purchase this piece of art without asking permission from anyone in her family. They did not appreciate the gesture!