Go confidently in the directions of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined. …Thoreau ***Materials in this Powerpoint are used with the permission of Ms. Debra Breazzano, District 38 Gifted and Talented Facilitator
Gifted Ed Program Design: Student Directed at High School Gifted Ed Program Design: Student Directed at High School Gifted Ed Facilitator, Counselor & YOU!! Schedules College & Career Preparation Extra- Curricular Activities Challenging Courses Contests & Competitions
GT Students: Very Diverse A range of “areas of Gift” (gifted in one area is not gifted across the board) D11 identifies 3 areas of gift: 1. verbal (language arts) 2. quantitative (math/science) 3. non-verbal (visual/spatial) Difficult to stereotype the GT student; although those stereotypes exist – sometimes it feels as if you are “Gifted and Cursed” rather than “Gifted and Talented”
Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) for all Gifted Ed students: A written individualized STUDENT-DIRECTED educational plan mandated by Colorado Dept. of Education : Goals and options for student success and optimal learning outlined College and career plans addressed Strategies designed to work through academic and personal/social challenge Complete your ALP through Sharepoint. Have your parent sign it and return to me by the designated due date. Student Consultations will be scheduled during the school day
Twice-Exceptional (2e) Students Demonstrate extraordinary abilities in one or more areas and mild to severe disabilities Have been identified GT and also have 504 or IEP 2e Support through collaboration of GT with other case managers and interventionists
The Gifted Ed student who has unique needs Underachieving Gifted Students: Demonstrate a significant discrepancy or gap between their exceptional intellectual or creative ability and their actual performance in school – GT Facilitator collaboration with teachers, family and specialists to address these students needs
ACADEMIC PLANNING Your High School transcript matters! Your High School transcript matters! Course Selection and GPA are important all four years of high school Course Selection and GPA are important all four years of high school As a Junior, ACT and SAT scores will also be critical for college admissions As a Junior, ACT and SAT scores will also be critical for college admissions
BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND… Gifted Ed programming focuses on post-graduate planning starting with you, the freshman class, NOT to take away from enjoying the present reality as a new high school student, but to ensure that you can accomplish your goals that can lead to realizing your dreams.
Design your 4 year academic plan Now! Reference the course handbook and look at what is offered Each year this will be revised but it provides a whole picture look to ensure your academic needs/preferences are addressed Individual Career & Academic Plan (ICAP) is now a new State requirement for students.
Minimum College Entrance Academic Requirements for the Class of 2017 As per CCHE to be admitted to Public College or University: 4 years of English 4 years of Math – Algebra I or higher 3 years of Natural Science – 2 must be laboratory courses 3 years of Social Studies – 1 must be US History or World Civilization 1 year of Foreign language 2 years of Academic Electives **Check with prospective colleges. Requirements vary depending on the institution and intended major.
Selective or “Ivy” College Academic Requirements: --rigor demonstrated in all core subjects with electives supporting student interests…no free periods! Did the student challenge themselves? This is even more important than straight A’s! (--Mrs. Chambers, MIT Educational Consultant) Honors Classes (highly recommended) AP Classes (weighted) Concurrent Enrollment (due to acceleration) Specific Coursework required by the College you are applying to (reference the college’s website even now!)
Differentiation – key to success when building your resume FOUR KEY AREAS (for Selective College Admissions*) Excellence/Expertise: Focused on something enough to excel at it Leadership: Demonstrate examples of leadership Community Service/Volunteerism: Civic responsibility; reach beyond themselves Passion/Vision: Demonstrate passion about something; true joyfulness (FOR USAFA: Excellence in Academics, Athletics, Leadership, Character)
Enrichment Matters! Find something you’re passionate about and get involved. Our high schools provide all the services and resources you need! Take advantage. Many projects/activities can be completed during the summer in order to keep your life less stressful.
Contests and Competitions A variety of events available throughout the year such as: Knowledge Bowl Science Olympiad History Day Math Competitions Local, State and National Academic Contests …. Refer to high school websites and announcements throughout the year!
Extracurricular Activities Band and Choir Sports Clubs and Organizations offered by your high school MHS Clubs: JROTC, National Honor Society, Honors Endorsement Program, Peer Counseling, Teen Volunteer Club, Japanese and Spanish Club
Example Resume:
Preparation, Focus and Passion = Success! Regardless of what postsecondary plan you have, this formula works for any life endeavor
Scholarships and Financial Awards Available even for freshmen Reference Gifted Ed and Counseling websites for links – A spreadsheet organized by a D38 student during her freshman year is available with more than 50 links and notes for your convenience
PRESTIGIOUS SCHOLARSHIPS The Boettcher Scholarship as the “Bar”: 40 are awarded each year covering full tuition, fees, living expenses and books at any Colorado University Must be from Colorado and rank in top 5% with outstanding SAT/ACT scores as a minimum criteria Eligible applicants are assessed based on: Evidence of leadership and involvement Service to community and school Superior scholastic ability Outstanding character – Let us know if you want to be considered. Your freshman year counts!
How you can optimize your learning! Balance academics with personal/social needs Time-Management (pace yourself) Self-Advocacy (ask for what you need) Relaxation (have fun, and get enough sleep) Sense of Humor (laughter is balm for the soul)
Gifted Ed Facilitator as YOUR RESOURCE! Contact your gifted resource teacher with any questions or concerns! Coronado: Mrs. Schulzki Doherty: Mrs. Keller Mitchell: Ms. Gibbs Palmer: Mr. Chamberlin