January 24, 2013Q-2 Pg. Daily Goal: We will knock the socks off of our quiz today! We will be able to identify what soil is made of and how it is formed. Homework: Study for Thursday and Friday’s mastery quiz! Science Starter: 1.What is deposition? 2.What factors might determine why sediment builds up in one area and not in another? 3.What is the difference between weathering, erosion, and deposition?
What is soil? What is it made of? What’s in it?
I spy a glossary entry! Soil – thin layer on the crust that is made of weathered rock and organic matter. It is affected by factors such as weather, wind, water, and organisms.
Soil is a mixture of pieces of rock (sediment), organic matter, air and water. Weathered rock is the main ingredient of soil.
Composition – 4 Distinct Parts Mineral particles (45% of “typical” soil) Organic matter (about 5%) Water (about 25%) Air (about 25%) – Water and air give soil most of their volume. That means water and air take up the most space in soil.
Rock fragments (pieces) can be: Sand Silt Clay
Humus is the organic part of soil; decaying plant and animal matter, such as leaves, roots and dead animals.
Why doesn’t all soil look the same?
The kind of soil depends on: – The kind of rock in the area – The climate or weather – The landforms in the area (mountains, valleys) – The plant cover (A lot of plants? What type?) – The animals and organisms – How long the soil has been there
Who cares what kind of soil it is? What do you think? Why might it matter? Let’s here your hypotheses!
Who cares what kind of soil it is? Famers care…and so does anyone who eats food (YOU!) The kind of soil determines what can be grown in it.
Brain Boost! I grew up in Oregon and went to college in California. The first time I ever saw cotton growing in a field was when I moved to North Carolina. Why don’t they have cotton fields in Oregon?
Extra Table Group Point! Who can describe for me where Oregon and California are in the United States?
Who else cares what kind of soil it is? Builders care…and so do people who use buildings (YOU!) STORY TIME: The Story of Summit High School and the Fancy, New Football Field
Underlying Impacts on Soil
How do organisms affect soil? Plants – provide most of the organic (living) matter that gets broken down to form humus Microorganisms – “micro” means teeny tiny, “organic” is living, decomposers like bacteria and fungi produce nutrients when they breakdown matter. Soil absorbs these nutrients, which help plants grow. They breakdown mostly nitrogen. Fun Fact: One spoonful of soil can contain more than one million microorganisms!
How do organisms affect soil? Animals – earthworms, ants, termites, mice, gophers, and moles make their homes in the soil. They loosen and mix the soil as they tunnel through it. This makes space, which lets the soil absorb more water.
January 25, 2013Q-2 Pg. Daily Goal: We will show how big our brain is growing by mastering the second part of our quiz! We will use our skills of deduction to identify the properties of soil. Homework: Have a wonderful weekend! Study for test retakes. Science Starter: 1.What is the main ingredient in soil? 2.Why might soil look different by the beach in Corfu, Greece than it does in Seattle, Washington? (Bonus points if you can tell me where Corfu and Seattle are on a map.) 3.What does the word humus mean?
What do all of these things have in common? Physical _____________ Chemical ____________ __________ of Minerals __________of Rocks – Hint: They can include things like – Color – Density – Composition PROPERTIES
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Texture Texture
Texture! Texture – the size of the sediment determines soil texture. There are 3 categories: sand, silt, and clay. – Sand is the largest of the particles. (It can be seen without a microscope). – Silt particles can only be seen with a microscope. – Clay particles are the smallest.
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Color! Color – the color of soil usually comes from iron compounds in humus. Iron is reddish. Soil with a lot of humus is typically black or brown. Soil that is a brighter color drains water more easily.
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Pore Space!
Pore Space – refers to the spaces between soil particles; water and air move through the pore spaces. Plants need water and air. Fun Fact: Plant grow best when the soil’s volume is made of halfway of air!
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Chemistry! Chemistry – different types of soil have different nutrients (they are made of different things); Different plants need different nutrients. How well nutrients dissolve is called the soil’s pH.
Soil is made in layers, which are called horizons. The layers of soil are made of different types of sediment and nutrients.
There are 3 horizons (A, B, C) that form a soil profile. SOIL HORIZON LAYERORGANIC MATTER COLORNUTRIENTS A Horizon TopsoilHighDarkestHigh B Horizon SubsoilLowLighterLow C Horizon Weathered Bedrock LowLightestLow **Fill in the whole chart!**
Horizon A – is the upper layer of soil (topsoil). It contains the most organic matter, and is often dark. Horizon B – is under A and usually has very little organic material. It contains clay and is brown or red. Horizon C – is the deepest layer of soil. It has the largest, least weathered rock and is usually yellowish. A Horizon B Horizon C Horizon Bed rock
WHAT IS THAT??? In Louisiana there is NO C Horizon. So, there is NO bedrock layer under the soil.
What is a possible effect? Meaning, what happens because there is not bedrock under the soil in Louisiana?
Exit Slip 1.Which layer of soil is most important for growing crops? 2.Which layer of soil contains humus? 3.Which layer of soil is made up of partially broken bedrock? 4.What is humus? a.Parent rockc. Bedrock b.Plants and animalsd. Horizon B A Horizon B Horizon C Horizon