Campus Compact Connect2Complete Unlock Your Future Date Facilitated by: Susan Malter
Opening Remarks Introduction To Connect2Complete Charcteristics of Your Mentees
Welcome and Overview Introductions Expectations Ice Breaker What appealed to you about becoming a Peer Advocate
Words Create Worlds The language we use creates our reality
Language, Image and Reality Video, “The power of words” (3 minutes) Notice the thoughts, feelings or images that come up for you
Right People, Right Time “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world – it’s the only thing that ever has” Margaret Mead
Becoming an Peer Advocate: Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is Based on a Simple Premise Organizations grow in the direction of what they repeatedly ask questions about and focus their attention on! Instead of asking questions that focus o PROBLEMS ask questions that focus on STRENGTHS and SUCCESSES
Interview Guide Pair up with someone you do not know Take turns interviewing each other Person A will interview person B (10 mins) Person Bwill interview person A (10 mins)
Listen and Take Notes Interviewer will: Ask the questions Ask follow-up questions- especially when the interviewee shows enthusiasm/high energy! Listen deeply and take notes Note some high points Cover all questioning within allotted time Have Fun!
Summarizing At the end of both interviews, each person completes a Summary Sheet What did you appreciate about the paired interview? What was the experience like for you?
Discover Share stories – identify positive core Choose facilitator, recorder, presenter, and timekeeper. Introduce your interview partner by sharing highlights from your interview. Go around the table, everyone gets introduced. (maximum 3 minutes per person) Listen for patterns and recurring themes as everyone tells their stories
Brainstorm After discussion brainstorm on the flip chart all the themes that emerged (quantity – not quality!) A theme is an idea or concept about what is present in the stories when people are reporting the times of greatest excitement.
Looking for Themes Discuss and agree on 3-4 major themes or patterns you heard (what people most want to create more of) Write your group’s themes on a new flip-chart sheet Prepare a one minute presentation
Scattergram Place your two dots on those themes, one dot per theme. As a large group, look at the Scattergram patterns. What do you notice?
Break Time
All About Mentoring: Skills Review
Listening Activity Pair up into groups of 2 Choose a speaker and a listener The speaker will describe his/her dream vacation to the listener. Speaker: Be imaginative and use detail. (2 minutes)
Discussion How did this activity make you feel? What went wrong? What worked?
Peer Advocate Mentoring Techniques: Table Teach How would you use these techniques? When are they most appropriate?
Review empathetic responses
Role Play Develop possible scenarios Real life challenges you have faced Handout
Lunch: Identity Crisis Signs Understanding Organizations Policies & Procedures Following Channels & Referrals Encouraging Responsible/Civil Behavior Knowing your limitations Do’s & Don’ts for Peer Advocates
Life Connection Your Beginnings: Where to start and what to ask
Our First Meeting: A planning worksheet Thinking through the first meeting Handout
Nuts & Bolts of the Peer Advocate Program Elena Schultz
Q & A Questions & Answers Evaluations
Reflecting: What you have learned? Ah-Ha Activity
Thank you for your Participation! Enjoy the rest of your day!