Expanding Our Horizons: Moving mental health and wellness promotion into the mainstream Toronto, Ontario – Canada March 4 to 6, 2009 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Expanding Our Horizons: Moving mental health and wellness promotion into the mainstream Toronto, Ontario – Canada March 4 to 6,

Louise Rowling President, Intercamhs A/Professor, University of Sydney International Survey of Principals Concerning Emotional and Mental Health and Well-Being International and Canadian Results Cheryl Vince Whitman Senior Vice President, EDC Vice President, Intercamhs Director, WHO Collaborating Center Gloria Wells Director, Collaborative Services and Partnerships, Rocky View School Division Board Member, Intercamhs 2

I.Goals, Questions, Sample II.International Results III.Canadian Results IV.Conclusion & Recommendations Presentation Outline 3

Rural Ontario, Canada 4


1.Provide tools & peer learning to principals & staff. 2.Have principals discuss findings: Raise awareness of issues. Raise awareness of issues. Address stigma. Address stigma. Advocate for policies & programs. Advocate for policies & programs. Post-Survey Goals 6

a whole-school approach. a whole-school approach. MH promotion, intervention, & treatment. MH promotion, intervention, & treatment. policies and skills for social emotional learning. policies and skills for social emotional learning. a healthy psychosocial environment & services. a healthy psychosocial environment & services. involvement of community and parents. involvement of community and parents. School-based mental health promotion supports… 7

England 8

The survey asked participants about… …the link between emotional/mental health & academic achievement. …major emotional/mental health issues facing students & staff. …policies & types of training or other resources that might be useful to address these issues. Questions of the Survey 9

N= Countries 2% from… Other Developed (N=13): e.g., Austria, the Netherlands, South Korea Other Developing (N=17): e.g., Brazil, Ghana, India, South Africa Sample Characteristics 10

Grade level: Grade level: – Pre-k/elementary: 51% – Middle/high school: 27% – Other grouping: 22% Principals’ Gender: Principals’ Gender: – 57% female Student Diversity: Student Diversity: – 50% “Mixed” or “Diverse” Sample Characteristics Average school size: 550 students Average school size: 550 students 11

Sample Characteristics 12

Inner-city school in Canada 13


90% see emotional/ mental health & well-being as “very important” for academic achievement. 90% see emotional/ mental health & well-being as “very important” for academic achievement. Principals estimate 1 in 5 students need prevention or intervention services. Principals estimate 1 in 5 students need prevention or intervention services. The Link and Those In Need 15

Importance of emotional/mental health for academic achievement 16

Principals See Major Student Issues to Be… 17

1.Awareness of issues, identification, & access to services (18.4%). 2. Communication & the psychosocial environment (17.5%). 3. Home & community problems (12.4%). Principals’ Open-Ended Responses: issues for students 18

Rural school in Ireland 19

Stress, anxiety, depression. Stress, anxiety, depression. Need for communication & support among teachers, students, & parents. Need for communication & support among teachers, students, & parents. Principals rate emotional/mental health & well-being issues more important for students than staff. Principals rate emotional/mental health & well-being issues more important for students than staff. Principals See Major Staff Issues to Be… 20

Principals’ open-ended responses of issues for staff 21

Ministry of Education Policies 22

Need to strengthen polices that address emotional/ mental health & well-being through schools. Need to strengthen polices that address emotional/ mental health & well-being through schools. Materials & resources needed most when no national MOE policies. Materials & resources needed most when no national MOE policies. Ministry of Education Policies… 23

All-boys school in United Kingdom 24

Principals of schools with lower student family incomes report poorer emotional/ mental health & well- being among students & staff. Impact of Student Family Income 25

Principals’ mean ratings of importance for emotional/mental health & well-being issues, by student family income level. 26

Most useful resources include: – Training programs and materials – DVDs & web-based resources – Exchange with principals & experts Resources, training, & materials needed for 9 critical areas of a whole-school approach. Resources, training, & materials needed for 9 critical areas of a whole-school approach. Need for Resources 27

Principals’ mean ratings of issues of greatest importance to be addressed through training, educational materials, & other resources 28

Rural school in Canada 29


The Link and Those in Need 93% see emotional/ mental health & well- being as “very important” for academic achievement. 93% see emotional/ mental health & well- being as “very important” for academic achievement. The estimate of 1 in 5 students needing services is even clearer. The estimate of 1 in 5 students needing services is even clearer. 31

1.Anger management 2.Impulse control 3.Bullying and harassment Canadian Principals See Major Student Issues to Be… Among Canadian principals… Awareness, identification, & access are even more important (29% vs. 18% for global data) 32

Still: stress, anxiety, depression. Still: stress, anxiety, depression. Still: staff issues rated lower importance than for student issues Still: staff issues rated lower importance than for student issues Need to identify MH problems & access to services mentioned more often (21% vs. 17% for global data) Canadian Principals See Major Staff Issues to Be… 33

Need for educational materials & resources is slightly greater where there is at least 1 MOE policy. Need for educational materials & resources is slightly greater where there is at least 1 MOE policy. Ministry of Education Policies 34

Impact of estimated student family income level is not as strong. Impact of Student Family Income 35

Very similar to global data… Most useful resources include: Most useful resources include: – Training programs & materials – DVDs & web-based resources – Exchange with principals & experts Resources, training, & materials needed for 9 critical areas of a whole-school approach. Resources, training, & materials needed for 9 critical areas of a whole-school approach. Need for Resources 36

Comparison (Canadian vs. Global Samples) Fewer female principals in Canadian sample Fewer female principals in Canadian sample Student issues rated higher on average, with the top four over 4.00 Student issues rated higher on average, with the top four over 4.00 Awareness of problems & access to services cited more often by Canadian principals (28.9% vs. 18.4%) Awareness of problems & access to services cited more often by Canadian principals (28.9% vs. 18.4%) Fewer Canadian principals report MOE policies in place Fewer Canadian principals report MOE policies in place Effect of income not as strong Effect of income not as strong 37

Ghana 38


Globally, principals see the link between emotional/mental health and well-being and academic achievement. Globally, principals see the link between emotional/mental health and well-being and academic achievement. Principals estimate that 1 in 5 students needs services. Principals estimate that 1 in 5 students needs services. ConclusionsConclusions 40

Major issues: Major issues: – Students: bullying/harassment & access – Staff: stress, anxiety, depression Staff issues rated lower importance than student issues. Staff issues rated lower importance than student issues. Need for policies, training, & other resources to support staff develop knowledge & skills. Need for policies, training, & other resources to support staff develop knowledge & skills. ConclusionsConclusions 41

ICP members discuss findings & use them to advocate for policies & programs ICP members discuss findings & use them to advocate for policies & programs ICP members advocate with ICP & Intercamhs internationally to develop training materials & other resources through Interconnexions ICP members advocate with ICP & Intercamhs internationally to develop training materials & other resources through Interconnexions RecommendationsRecommendations 42

…develop plan of action & secure funding for these training materials & resources. …publicize results to create a movement, shared language, & action for change. Intercamhs and ICP will… 43

Cheryl Vince Whitman Senior Vice President, EDC Vice President, Intercamhs Director, WHO Collaborating Center Ph: (0011-1) Fax: (0015-1) Education Development Center, Inc. 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA, USA Contact Information 44