Northern Oesophago Gastric Cancer Unit MDT data NECN Audit Meeting – 6 th November 2013
Methods Patients discussed at weekly Newcastle Multi-disciplinary Team meeting in period January – December 2012 Excludes patients discussed by video-link to Sunderland Prospective data entry onto database - Dendrite Intended use: Local, Regional & National audit Research Data then exported onto Microsoft Excel for analysis
National Audit Programme The second Audit began collecting prospective data on patients (aged 18 years or over) diagnosed with invasive epithelial cancer of the oesophagus, gastro- oesophageal junction (GOJ) or stomach on or after 1 April Since 1 April 2012, the Audit has also included patients diagnosed with oesophageal high-grade glandular dysplasia (HGD). To allow this, a slightly revised dataset was implemented in April 2012.
National Audit 2013 – Resections by site
MDT Discussions n=1511 incl Carlisle 588 excl Carlisle
New discussions N = cancers Other incl. – GISTs, HGD, LGD, Surveillance pts, & referred onto another MDT
New OG neoplasm n=463
Number of MDT Discussions N=588 – New Discussions Excl. 86 Carlisle pts Median discussion: 2
Carlisle Discussions
New referrals to MDT by site n=450 vs. 324 vs. 408 vs 467 vs 437 vs 463 excl Carlisle pts – positive cancers only
Intention to treat by site No action – incl. Benign, Best supportive care & referral onto other MDT’s Friday MDT’s only
Oesophageal Cancer: (2012) Histological subtype Other incl. – Carcinoid, Leioyoma, melanoma, benign
Oesophageal Cancer: Treatment intent by histological subtype
Oesophageal cancer: Curative treatment intent
Actual Resections - Pos Cancers only
Procedures 2012 CompletedIncompl.30 day90 dayComps 3+ Accordion Oesophagectomy Total Gastrectomy Subtotal Gastrectomy Lesser resection EMR35N/A000
Morbidity/Complications note: 30 day Mort all complications incl. n= n= n= N=
Pathological Stage by subtype Excl. Carcinoid’s & Leioyoma’s excluded, 8 open and close excluded
Oesophageal Cancer: Treatment change Intended TreatmentTreatment Changen Neoadjuvant + SurgeryUnfit for surgery3 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryProgression of disease, no surgery7 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryRIP (1 cycle)2 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryPatient declined2 SurgeryNot fit for surgery/patient declined2 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryShortened chemotherapy due to toxicity5 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryNo neoadjuvant given2 ChemoradiotherapyToxicity 1 pt did not complete chemo, although did complete radio. 1
Recruitment to trials Please note: Cougar 02 closed 30/04/12. Other trials had closed
UGI Two Week Waits day breaches: 14.5 (0.84%)
Refs- 2 Week Waits – Comparison by Year
Breaches - Comparison
Acknowledgements Helen JaretzkeNOGCU Data Manager Angie TateNOGCU Data Clerk Paula BrooksMDT Coordinator Jonathan StoddartNCCC Research Coordinator