1 Pilot inventory of technologies in climate technology cooperation projects: Stephen Peake Technology Subprogramme Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC) Workshop on the transfer of technology consultative process 7 June 2000, Bonn Germany
2 Background Decision 13/CP.1 “inventory of technologies including terms of transfer” SBSTA 2-3, secretariat compiled information submitted into an inventory IPCC SAR (and a separately published annex), plus a report on policies and measures listed categories of technologies
3 New approach Inventory of technologies that are actually being developed, diffused and transferred as a result of climate change-relevant development assistance and cooperation Focus on what is happening on the ground and not on what could happen Initial step – capture the technologies incorporated into documented projects and programmes
4 What is in the database? GEF climate projects Projects cited in National Communications of Annex I Parties Projects cited in consultative process submissions Projects identified by the OECD DAC (in a consultant report) US and GermanTechnology Cooperation Projects Reports (1998 and 1999)
5 Current Status More than 800 projects Data checked and verified as consistent with sources Data base is a simple Microsoft Access database Searchable by project title, description, donor, host (can ask the database to list, for example, all solar projects, or just those in a particular country, or those funded by a particular donor) It is only as good as the source information and entries have not been classified
6 What could be added to the database? Other multilateral projects and programmes, e.g. non-GEF related activities of UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, regional development banks and other multilateral implementing agencies Bilateral projects not reported in National Communications of Annex I Parties Projects cited in initial national communications of non-Annex I Parties
7 Methodological issue May require some criteria for defining/identifying relevant projects, programmes or other activities.
8 Options for further development Incorporate projects and programmes not currently in the database Decide on best way for Parties to submit, review and verify information (using web, hard copy, other) Consider resource implications and how such a database could relate to other existing or planned UNFCCC databases
9 Is this initiative useful? What could such a database be used for? Who are the users? Do you have any suggestions for how to proceed? Further demonstrations available, please contact the Secretariat….