Mentor Panel Identifying & selecting partners Kari Hartwig, Maurice Williams Kari Hartwig, Maurice Williams Establishing trust Princess Fortin, Robert McGranaghan Princess Fortin, Robert McGranaghan Using evaluation for partnership improvement improvement Elmer Freeman, Sarah Sisco Elmer Freeman, Sarah Sisco Securing & distributing resources Sarena Seifer, Kristine Wong Sarena Seifer, Kristine Wong
Identifying and Selecting Partners Kari Hartwig, Yale School of Public Health, Division of Global Health Maurice Williams, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center
Characteristics of Ideal Partners Culturally, technically competent staffCulturally, technically competent staff Support for partnership at all levels of organizationSupport for partnership at all levels of organization Interpersonal and facilitation skillsInterpersonal and facilitation skills Commitment, history of engagement, & connections with communityCommitment, history of engagement, & connections with community
Key Points in Identifying and Selecting Partners Build on prior positive working relationshipsBuild on prior positive working relationships New partners: Preliminary research - do your homework on potential partners!New partners: Preliminary research - do your homework on potential partners! Key informant interviews: Semi-structured interview guideKey informant interviews: Semi-structured interview guide
Key Points in Identifying and Selecting Partners Always get 2nd and 3rd opinion about a potential partnerAlways get 2nd and 3rd opinion about a potential partner Understand context of your introduction/initial meetingUnderstand context of your introduction/initial meeting
Establishing Trust through Processes for Communication and Decision-Making Princess Fortin, NYC Department of Health, Harlem Community & Academic Partnership Robert McGranaghan, Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
Establishing Trust through Processes for Communication and Decision-Making Start building trust from the very beginningStart building trust from the very beginning Develop overall mission, goals and objectives that are based on jointly identified prioritiesDevelop overall mission, goals and objectives that are based on jointly identified priorities Establish agreed-upon set of partnership normsEstablish agreed-upon set of partnership norms
Establishing Trust through Processes for Communication and Decision-Making Establish set of principles that outline how the partnership will conduct its researchEstablish set of principles that outline how the partnership will conduct its research Maintain balance between “process” and “tasks”Maintain balance between “process” and “tasks” Strive to achieve equity in distribution of resourcesStrive to achieve equity in distribution of resources
Establishing Trust through Processes for Communication and Decision-Making Be responsive to opportunities for capacity building across the partnershipBe responsive to opportunities for capacity building across the partnership Facilitate and ensure on-going communication within and evaluation of the partnershipFacilitate and ensure on-going communication within and evaluation of the partnership Acknowledge and strive to resolve mistakesAcknowledge and strive to resolve mistakes
Using Evaluation for Partnership Improvement Elmer Freeman, Center for Health Education Research & Service, Inc. Sarah Sisco, New York Academy of Medicine
Using Evaluation for Partnership Improvement Discuss and decide upon level of community involvementDiscuss and decide upon level of community involvement During study design planning, identify evaluation questions of interestDuring study design planning, identify evaluation questions of interest Select variables to measureSelect variables to measure
Using Evaluation for Partnership Improvement Decide upon type of evaluation to implementDecide upon type of evaluation to implement Train evaluation team (which can include community members) Train evaluation team (which can include community members) Decide upon data collection methods; collect dataDecide upon data collection methods; collect data Analyze data; disseminate resultsAnalyze data; disseminate results
Securing & Distributing Funding Sarena D. Seifer & Kristine Wong, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and University of Washington School of Public Health
Strategies for Securing Funding Utilize all of your connectionsUtilize all of your connections Be proactive, not reactiveBe proactive, not reactive Consider non-traditional, creative ways to fund your partnershipConsider non-traditional, creative ways to fund your partnership Consider a wide range of funding sourcesConsider a wide range of funding sources
Distributing Funding Discuss and share budget during grantwriting periodDiscuss and share budget during grantwriting period Consider securing separate funding contracts rather than subcontractsConsider securing separate funding contracts rather than subcontracts Consider negotiating indirect costs with universitiesConsider negotiating indirect costs with universities
CBPR Funding Sources Private foundations (Robert Wood Johnson, WK Kellogg, Legacy)Private foundations (Robert Wood Johnson, WK Kellogg, Legacy) Centers for Disease ControlCenters for Disease Control NIH Office of CBPRNIH Office of CBPR Office of Minority HealthOffice of Minority Health
Funding Resources CBPR CurriculumCBPR Curriculum CBPR Listserv (2,500+ subscribers)CBPR Listserv (2,500+ subscribers) Subscribe: Subscribe: CCPH E-NewsCCPH E-News
Small Group Consultation Room 108 – Kari & Maurice Room 251 – Princess & Robert Room 252B – Elmer & Sarah Room 254A – Elaine, Carol, Kristine & Sarena Reconvene in Room 108 at 4:45 pm