InterGrid Meeting 7 Oct 2001 Tony Doyle. Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Status  Financial Background  Deliverables  Recruitment  Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

InterGrid Meeting 7 Oct 2001 Tony Doyle

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Status  Financial Background  Deliverables  Recruitment  Regional Centres  Information Flow  Technical Structure  Project management Board

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow £17m 3-Year Project I: £2.49m  £1.2m Experiment Objectives H*: 5.4% H: 3.2% Software Support G: Prototype Grid 9.7% F* 1.5% F 1.9% CERN J 2.6% E 1.7% D* 1.5% D 2.7% C* 0.6% C 1.1% B* 1.9% B 1.5% A* 0.4% A 1.4% UK Managers 1.9% UK Capital Work Groups A - F £7.1m  £6.7m  £6.0m £3.2  £2.9  £2.45m 90.0%

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Major Deliverables  Prototype IMar 2002  Performance and scalability testing of components of the computing fabric (clusters, disk storage, mass storage system, system installation, system monitoring) using straightforward physics applications. Testing of the job scheduling and data replication software from the first DataGrid release (M9).  Prototype IIMar 2003  Prototyping of the integrated local computing fabric, with emphasis on scaling, reliability and resilience to errors. Performance testing of LHC applications. Distributed HEP and other science application models using the second DataGrid release (M21).  Prototype IIIMar 2004  Full scale testing of the LHC computing model with fabric management and Grid management software for Tier-0 and Tier-1 centres, with some Tier-2 components. This will use the software from the final DataGrid release (M33). M9 important: working demonstrators (public spending review) need to ensure key areas are visible

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow First Year Finances  Funding of PPARC's EU DataGrid staff commitment  Staff to implement initial Grid Testbed in UK  Hardware to satisfy BaBar requirements and EU DataGrid testbed commitment  Staff for CERN LHC computing  Contribution to CERN Tier-0  15 EU DataGrid 3 year posts (already committed) £0.4M  15 GridPP 3 year posts £0.4M  Hardware for BaBar Tier-A/LHC Tier-1 £0.9M  15 CERN 3 year posts £0.5M  Hardware for CERN Tier-0 £0.3M Total £2.5M (Staff costs assume only 6 months of salary in first year) Sets a short-term agenda… complete allocation by December

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow First Year Deliverables Each Workgroup has detailed deliverables. These will be refined each year and build on the successes of the previous year. The Global Objectives for the first year are:  Deliver EU DataGrid Middleware (First prototype [M9])  Running experiments to integrate their data management systems into existing facilities (e.g. mass storage)  Assessment of technological and sociological Grid analysis needs  Experiments refine data models for analyses  Develop tools to allow bulk data transfer  Assess and implement metadata definitions  Develop relationships across multi-Tier structures and countries  Integrate Monte Carlo production tools  Provide experimental software installation kits  LHC experiments start Data Challenges  Feedback assessment of middleware tools

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow “two legs good three legs better?” UK ++ Build on Existing Structures. Identify Common Requirements. Establish Group Identity. Reach Out.

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Recruitment Timetable  8th October - EB input deadline (just after GGF3).  19th October - TAG assessment document  26th October - PMB definition of tasks inc. allocation of posts to Working Groups  - first review of CERN posts  2nd November - Tender document  5-6th November - Collaboration Meeting  30th November- Deadline for submission  7th December - PRSC mtg.  14th December- summary document submitted to PPARC  outcomes communicated to groups  - second review of CERN posts

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Regional Centres SRIF Infrastructure Local Perspective: Consolidate Research Computing Optimisation of Number of Nodes? 4 Relative size dependent on funding dynamics Global Perspective: V. Basic Grid Skeleton

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Information Flow

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Team Dissemination/ Collaborations (Roger Jones) Software ExperimentsTestbed Support (Nick Brook)(Dave Newbold) (Andrew McNab) Workload Information ServicesMonitoring Mass Storage Managementand Services and (Dave Colling) Data Management (Steve Fisher) Fabric Management (Alex Martin) (John Gordon) SecurityNetworking (Dave Kelsey) (Pete Clarke) CERN (Les Robertson) = Basis for Technical Information Flow?...Technical Task Force

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Technical Board Structure? Experiments Networking Security, Networking “Site Management” Fabric Management Mass Storage “Grid Management” Workload Management Data Management Information Services Monitoring Services “Testbed” Prototype Grid, Software Support KEY: Build on DataGrid - merge groups naturally... Expand experiments’ role via Pilot developments KEY: Build on DataGrid - merge groups naturally... Expand experiments’ role via Pilot developments Optimisation of Number of Groups?

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Demonstrators real world... …simulated world We need both.. M9 + web-based interfaces… We need both.. M9 + web-based interfaces…

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Year Book

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Technical Planning …next collab meeting (M11) Need to monitor progress… 3-month report = requirement of all GridPP posts

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Project Management Board  Project Leader Tony Doyle  Deputy Project Leader John Gordon  Chair of the CB Steve Lloyd  Technical Board Pete Clarke  EU DataGrid-UK Leader Robin Middleton  Resource Manager Dave Britton  Experiments Chair Nick Brook  Experiments Deputy Roger Barlow  CERN Liaison Les Robertson  e-Science Director (in Att) Neil Geddes  Final PMB structure determined by appointment...  Working methods determined quickly via 1 day meeting in Sept...

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow PMB Meetings  Frequency - once per week (fixed weekly slot, e.g. 1pm)  Agenda circulated 3 hours before (10am) - web page with links  Duration - 1 hour, via multi-site VC, guillotined  Chair - Project Leader  Agenda items sent to PL = heading + proposed outcome  Order of business determined by Chair  Draft minutes later that day  Minutes of all meetings available via web 2 days later  Actions listed as e.g.  No.DescriptionInitiated WhoTargetCompleted  1.1 meeting web site Aug 20 TBDAug 26Aug 26  Actions ordered by completed, short-term, long-term (requiring periodic updates)  Review meeting methods formally after 3 months - external CB report?

Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Summary  Learning to crawl…  … quickly  First Priority: EU DataGrid  Next Priority: Integration with experiments  Need to respond rapidly to external input  Implementation of final GridPP structure  Definition of scope of Collaboration…  Medium Term (M9):  Importance of Demonstrators  First steps…  Proposal (2/4/01)  DataGrid posts (25/5/01)  1st Collab. Mtg. (23-24/5/01)  Addendum (13/7/01)  Expts. Board (NB, 24/7/01)  Collab. Board (SL, 25/7/01)  PMB (TD, 1/9/01)  Technical Board  CERN posts (11/01..)  2nd Collab. Mtg. (5-6/11/01)  GridPP posts (1/02..)