October 30 2001 LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen Update on NSF-ITR Proposal Bjørn S. Nilsen The Ohio State University.


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Presentation transcript:

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen Update on NSF-ITR Proposal Bjørn S. Nilsen The Ohio State University

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen Ultimate Purpose To get the needed computing resources for LHC- RHI in the US. –Hardware CPU, Disk-Tape Storage, Local-National-International Networking, Room/Building. –Software AliRoot, CMS-Off line, Grid-middle ware (distributed computing). –Support Personal to maintain and run these systems. Personal to develop the Grid interfaces.

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen NSF-ITR Information Technology Research 3 Categories 5 years max, –Small (  $500K, Odds Good), –Medium (  $5M,  $1M/year, Odds middling), –Large (  $15M,  $3M/year, Odds poor). No $ for Federal employees of other agencies. $ Equipment < $ Personal (Not an infrastructure program).

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen NSF-ITR Proposal 5 Year $3-4M Medium Project. Support for ALICE only. Core team, OSU, OSC, NCSU. 3+ Postdocs for 5 years. Hardware placed at OSC. –60% or more for Hardware. –Mostly gotten in last 3 years. 2 Year $500K Small Project. Support for ALICE only. Core team, OSU, OSC. 2 Postdocs for 2 years. Hardware –Use OSC resources via OSC computing grants. –maybe add some tapes, and workstations. Get Hardware in 2004 from other Sources.

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen Background Grid Activities USA PPDG, GriPhyN/iVDGL –ATLAS, & CMS + well represented. –Good connections to Globus & Condor teams –Improved connections to CERN needed. –No ALICE connections, being established now. –Funding 2000 GriPhyN $15M 5 years, 2001 iVDGL $13.65M 5 years, PPDG $3.1M 1 year?. Europe DataGrid / DataTag –ALICE, ATLAS, CMS & LHCb + well represented. –Good connections with CERN. –Poor connections with Globus & Condor teams, their software in use. –Funding DataGrid €10M PPARC GRID €30M. INFN GRUD €30M DataTag €4M.

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen LHCUSA Grid CMS-RHI Well connected to DataGrid- DataTag CMS HEP full participants in PPDG, GriPhyN, iVDGL. PPDG, GriPhyN, & iVDGL will be integrated into CMS framework by HEP, PPDG, GriPhyN, & iVDGL people. Need hardware and people to do RHI software development. ALICE-USA Well connected to DataGrid- DataTag Connections with PPDG, GriPhyN, iVDGL to be established. Need support to integrating PPDG, GriPhyN, & iVDGL products into ALICE framework. Need people and facilities to do this integration. Need more hardware and people to do RHI software development.

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen GriPhyN/iVDGL meeting Mostly internal matters. General GriPhyN Grid development – VDT Many CS people unfamiliar with how physics is done. –User interface – Web. –Talk about using Objectivity – not CERN supported. iVDGL takes VDT & disseminates, maintains, and supports it. First iVDGL meeting. –Working on Organization. –First year, hardware and <2 cs FTE, later years manpower. –Order of 20% $ goes to hardware. iVDGL requested draft MOU’s from “external experiments”. Specifically Federico & Bjørn for ALICE.

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen iVDGL ALICE MOU Get ALICE in the US Grid Game! Too late to become members of iVDGL/PPDG. What to do? –Be recognized as an active partner external “Experiment” –Establish a solid working relation with iVDGL. –Get good support for iVDGL, including PPDG & GriPhyN=VDT. –Be represented on selected iVDGL boards/working-groups (Steering committees, Oversight committees, and the like). –Get access to iVDGL test bed for ALICE Grid tests. –Supply iVDGL with resources via OSC and NERSC. –Share ALICE technology (AliEn, AliRoot, ALICE Proof applications).

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen ALICE Software Activities Continue evolutionary development of AliRoot framework. After intensive physics testing, we have stopping further development with GEANT 4 Monte Carlo. Integration of the FLUKA Monte Carlo. Starting development of a Geometric modeler & data base. An ALICE distributed data catalog and production framework developed, AliEn (Grid in reverse). First ALICE full scale production started –Test production of pp-Pythia events completed. –Pb-Pb production starts 10/24/01 AliRoot 3.06 released 10/10/01 –Patched update released 10/24/01 (requires ROOT ).

October LHCUSA meeting BNL Bjørn S. Nilsen Conclusion 1.ALICE production is underway using existing technologies. 2.We have a chance to get involved with iVDGL if we act soon. 3.ITR proposal for short term funding is in the works 4.Still much work to be done.