Harmonisation of Grid and Geospatial Services Standards in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Simon Cox 1, Lesley Wyborn 2, Andrew Woolf 3, Robert Woodcock 1, Rob Atkinson 4, Joan Esterle 1 1 CSIRO Exploration and Mining 2 Geoscience Australia 3 e-Science Centre Rutherford Appleton Lab 4 Social Change Online 24 May 2005
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Overview e-Science / NERC Datagrid Oceans & Atmospheres data Solid Earth and Environment community HPC services for simulation & inversion Standards-based loosely-coupled data services SEE Grid
Cox/2005 AGU Spring NERC DataGrid - data transfer e.g. Climate Science Modelling Language (CSML) ProfileFeature GridFeature ProfileSeriesFeature Focus on large datasets, simple structures Time-series, profiles, gridded datasets Series and collections BADC
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Some solid-earth e-Science/Grid projects GEON NSF “Cyberinfrastructure” EarthByte Sydney University/Caltech/CSIRO APAC Geosciences Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing pmd*CRC Cooperative Research Centre for Predictive Mineral Exploration
Cox/2005 AGU Spring pmd*CRC - geologic process simulations Archives Data Service
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Status quo: Different formats and standards Data Structures Proprietary Software Versions of Software User
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Open Geospatial Consortium - Web Feature Service GML WFS Server Data-source organised for custodian’s requirements Community-specific GML application language TigerGML, LandGML, O&M, XMML, CGI-GML, ADX, GPML, CSML, MarineXML etc private public boundary WFS Client HTML
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Standard transfer format allows multiple data sources WFS Client WFS Server WFS Server B WFS Server C
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Same format and standards User GML for geochemistry: XMML and OGC O&M XMML
Cox/2005 AGU Spring XMML data packet Inductively coupled mass spectrometry ICPMS Ag e-8 Ag All this (and more) required to properly transmit one number!
Cox/2005 AGU Spring PIRSA DOIR GA Mapping client Three servers, one map
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Report client Three servers, one report
Cox/2005 AGU Spring One service – many uses GML-based data can be …. Rendered into a queryable map … … formatted into a report or …. … read and used by any WFS/GML enabled application Condition: community-standard data model/encoding
Cox/2005 AGU Spring APAC Trial Application… Interactions between discrete http-hosted services Resource Registry Service Registry Results Archive Data Management Portal Job Management Portal HPC Repository Login Job Monitor Run Simulation Edit Problem Description Local Repository Archive Search Geology S.A Geology W.A Rock Prop. N.S.W Rock Prop. W.A Observational Databases Authorization, Authentication & Audit Job Management Service Snark Service EarthByte Service User Workflow... WS-Security, SAML, Shibboleth… ebRIM, OGC Catalog Service… OGC WFS, XMML, Service Profiles… Snark Profile, GPML, XMML… Gridsphere, JSR 168 Portlets… EarthByte Profile, GPML, XMML… SRB, ebRIM… ebRIM, WSDL, UDDI… Globus, WS-RF…
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Fields vs. objects classic geology “Feature” viewpoint classic geophysics “Coverage” viewpoint simple data structures collated/gridded ready for analysis netCDF, HDF-EOS complex data database insertion complete feature interpretations XML documents
Cox/2005 AGU Spring Key Points e-Science depends on Informational Services – to supply modelling constraints Computational Services – to supply simulators and solvers e-Science community focus on “Grid” services high-performance computing, PDE solvers – remote but tight connections large datasets, data warehouses – simple data structures Geospatial community working on REST web-services loosely-coupled, decision-support– on-demand discovery, binding and chaining, detailed semantics – complex data-structures, community schemas
Thank You CSIRO Exploration and Mining NameSimon Cox TitleResearch Scientist Phone Webwww.seegrid.csiro.au Contact CSIRO Phone Webwww.csiro.au