1 NanoSense Who? – Teachers in elementary and secondary institutions – Essentially all science teachers should be included What? – Basic unifying chemistry, physics and materials science concepts to earlier grade level teachers (these activities are not necessarily at nano scale) – More advanced and specific nanoscience concepts to secondary teachers When? – Summer training workshops or research internships Teacher Professional Development
2 NanoSense Models for Teacher Training Professional teaching community focused on nano topics and activities – Modeled on Access Excellence, Gene Connection, SCBEP in biotech – Extensive local network of teachers – Packaged hands-on units on key topics or techniques – Short units (1 week or less) which can be adapted for regular or advanced biology courses – Training consists of various sessions each year (half-day to one week each) on specific units or topics – Funded initially by industry or industry/federal partnership
3 NanoSense Potential classroom nano activities Ask the hands-on group! Should be as authentic as possible – DNA chips activity (Affymetrix) – Nanowire synthesis with AFM demo – Self assembly of monolayers on glass
4 NanoSense Models for Teacher Training Research internships for teachers – Modeled on IISME, Howard Hughes programs – Summer research program (6 - 8 weeks) in local nano labs (industry, government, university) with stipends – Teachers network through weekly meetings, design and critique lessons developed from their research – Each teacher presents lessons to others at their school or district as in-service training