E.M.P.O.W.E.R.R. Project (Elementary Mathematics Partnership Opening Windows to Excellence, Rigor & Relevance) BOR/IDE MSP Grant from Title II BOR/IDE Additional support from IMSEP PIs WALTER SEAMAN, Associate Professor UI Dept Math and Dept of Teaching & Learning WALTER SEAMAN, Associate Professor UI Dept Math and Dept of Teaching & Learning VICKI BURKETTA, UI Clinic Associate Professor Dept of Teaching & Learning VICKI BURKETTA, UI Clinic Associate Professor Dept of Teaching & Learning LESSON STUDY PD COORDINATOR JEANNE BANCROFT, M.A. independent consultant and GWAEA science consultant, JEANNE BANCROFT, M.A. independent consultant and GWAEA science consultant, Coordinator of GWAEA's Van Allen Science Teaching (VAST) Center Coordinator of GWAEA's Van Allen Science Teaching (VAST) Center
Goals Enhance mathematics instruction through a problem-based/inquiry approach Improve student achievement Nurture collaboration among participating teacher teams.
EMPOWERR at the Core Whole-school teams in building-wide efforts are working to improve math teaching and learning. All math teachers participate in workshops and academic year seminars. All teachers participate in Lesson Study professional development. 66 teachers and their principals English Valleys Elementary (North English) Strawberry Hill Elementary (Anamosa) Kirkwood Elementary (Iowa City)
Grade School 1 School 1 School 2 School 3 TOTALS K R235 TOTALS EMPOWERR Teacher-Grade Distributions
EMPOWERR at the Core EMPOWERR work supports the goals of the ICC by its uses of an advocacy for: Problem-based instructional tasks and strategies Deep Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge Rigor and Relevance Assessment for Learning
EMPOWERR project work consists of
SUMMER WORKSHOPS SUMMER WORKSHOPS ACADEMIC YEAR SEMINARSACADEMIC YEAR SEMINARS LESSON-STUDY AT EACH EMPOWERR SCHOOLLESSON-STUDY AT EACH EMPOWERR SCHOOL Twelve (12) hours of in-school PD time designated for EMPOWERR LS training. Twelve (12) hours of in-school PD time designated for EMPOWERR LS training. Additional onsite implementation assistance from project staff and SMARTS "veteran" teacher-leaders. Additional onsite implementation assistance from project staff and SMARTS "veteran" teacher-leaders. Academic year lesson-study groups (teams of 4-5 teachers) and seminars. Academic year lesson-study groups (teams of 4-5 teachers) and seminars. Mathematics-focused research lesson/LS cycles: One cycle in Year 1, two cycles in Year 2, and in Year 3, LS reports documenting process will be generated by teams. Mathematics-focused research lesson/LS cycles: One cycle in Year 1, two cycles in Year 2, and in Year 3, LS reports documenting process will be generated by teams. WIKI ENVIRONMENT DISCUSSION FORUMS WIKI ENVIRONMENT DISCUSSION FORUMS
What is lesson study?
Improving Instruction Examining Ways Teachers Improve Instruction
Professional Development Models Traditional Professional Development Lesson Study Begins with an answer Driven by outside ‘expert’ Communication flow is from trainer to teachers. Hierarchical relations between trainer and learners Research informs practice. Begins with question Driven by participants Communication flow is among teachers. Reciprocal relations among learners Practice is research. seminar.
How Does Lesson Study Align With Effective Professional Development?
Iowa Core: Definition of Formative Assessment: Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students as part of instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of core content. As assessment for learning, formative assessment practices provide students with clear learning targets, examples and models of strong and weak work, regular descriptive feedback, and the ability to self-assess, track learning, and set goals. (Adapted from Council of Chief State Officers, FAST SCASS)
Formative assessment is… a planned process. used by both teachers and students. takes place during instruction. provides assessment-based feedback to both teachers and students. helps teachers and students make adjustments that will improve student learning.
Formative assessment is not… a test. a matter of looking at test data and deciding what to do next time. benchmark assessments. end-of-unit tests. part of grading system. probing and charting. random observations. just good instruction.
EMPOWERR EVALUATION COMPONENTS 1.ITBS-Staff analyses, CEA change norm data 2. LMT Year 1 and 2 information/statistics 3. Survey Building District Culture 4. Lesson Study survey-Reports on LS cycles Spring 2009/Fall Focus Group summary information 6. Summer 2008/2009 Workshop Participant Reaction Survey
EMPOWERR EVALUATION COMPONENTS Guskey Level Theoretical Framework Level 1: Participant Reaction EMPOWERR Elements: Focus Group Summaries, Workshop Participant Reaction Surveys, Lesson Study Surveys Level 2: Participant Learning EMPOWERR Elements: LMT, Lesson Study Reports, LS process staff observations/reporting of team LS elements- planning, research lesson observations, debriefing, and re- teaching
Level 3: Organizational Support and Learning EMPOWERR Elements: Surveys Building/District Culture, Focus Group Summaries (questions on administrative support) Level 4: Participant Use of New Knowledge and Skills EMPOWERR Elements: LMT, Lesson Study Reports, EMPOWERR-PD Implementation Documentation/Evidence submitted in Fall 2008, 2009 Academic Year Seminars. Project support personnel participation in LS cycle yields information on teachers’ knowledge of LS process, classroom implementation and content knowledge for research lessons.
Level 5: Student Learning Outcomes EMPOWERR Elements: ITBS analyses: CEA Change Norm reports, Staff ITBS analyses, Student artifacts from in-class implementations of EMPOWERR-related training. Project support personnel participation in LS cycle yields information on students’ work in research lessons.
What have been the benefits, challenges and successes of this professional development project?
Benefits Improved teacher mathematics content knowledge Teacher implementation of inquiry-based mathematics classroom practices and alternative solution strategy discussions by students Relationships with entire school staff- informs and influences UI classes
Challenges Lesson Study team support School administration personnel support Implementation of the lesson study cycle One school with no teacher-leader team Teacher/student mobility Helping teachers/administrators see EMPOWERR as seamlessly integrating with other building goals/initiatives (PLCs, CSIP, achievement data results).
Successes Teacher engagement in workshop and seminar activities /explorations in mathematics Administrative support Implementation of EMPOWERR professional learning topics in classroom practice Fostering new vision/shared vision of mathematics teaching and learning in the classroom environment Educator/teachers interest in participating in EMPOWERR outside EMPOWERR schools