Dynamic Learning in 21 st Century Chinese Classrooms: Achieving Proficiency Oriented and Learner-Centered Instruction Monday, 12 July George Mason University.


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Presentation transcript:

Dynamic Learning in 21 st Century Chinese Classrooms: Achieving Proficiency Oriented and Learner-Centered Instruction Monday, 12 July George Mason University Rebecca Fox & Jie Tian

Objectives: As a result of today’s class, participants will be able to Define student-centered instruction for proficiency oriented classrooms Apply new knowledge from last week’s NoVa StarTalk to design instructional lesson plans for student-centered learning Show an increased understanding about how to design lessons incorporating standards and authentic materials Understand how to write performance objectives and plan appropriate instructional activities with materials and assessments to achieve them

What is learner-centered instruction? How do I design lessons that are Standards- based, learner-centered, and incorporate authentic materials that engage all learners and promote proficiency-oriented learning?

In small groups, respond to the following: 1)Describe what learner-centered instruction means to you. 2)What are Standards? How are they used in our FL classrooms? In Taiwan and in the U.S. 3)Describe interactive learning in the FL classroom. 4)Oral Proficiency and Communication in the FL classroom – what role do they play?

Several Key Elements to help you plan for YOUR learner-centered Chinese classroom: Materials/resources available in Taiwan, online, and in the U.S. – textbooks, materials, online resources, facilities, etc. The Standards and Communicative Modes Writing performance objectives that are aligned with Standards

Creating lesson/unit plans that contain the essential elements: performance-based objectives, warm-up that recalls previous learning, series of activities that reach all learners, transitions between activities, closure, and ongoing assessment embedded in learning Assessment used to drive instruction

Individual Learner Variables and Differentiation of Instruction Collaboration with colleagues and ongoing professional development Reflective practice and the importance of “connected” learning

We will be examining and delving into each of these topics and helping you connect to new knowledge as you begin to apply it to your instructional practice as a teacher of Chinese in Taiwan. In the mornings, we will specifically focus on the language classroom. In the afternoon, we will look at aspects of professional development and apply learning theory to support your own learning. Such topics as reflective practice and using teacher research to inform practice, as well as professional portfolio development will be the focus of many afternoons.

Consider your role as BOTH teacher and learner. Think of your classrooms context as containing being a place where Teachers are Learners and Learners are Teachers (Paolo Freire) Consider yourself and your students with respect to The Learning CycleThe Learning Cycle

Standards for Foreign Language learning in the 21 st Century (1999) – Often referred to as the Five Cs – Student Standards – what students should know and be able to do ACTFL NCATE Standards – Standards for Teacher Education – What teachers should know and be able to do

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

and Six content standards Sixteen supporting standards Supporting explanations Rubrics and evidence of learning

What Teachers should know and be able to do: Knowledge of foreign language content and pedagogy Skills in teaching (planning, assessing, etc.) Dispositions and Professionalism (attitudes, beliefs about foreign language teaching and professional growth)

Five Broad Areas – Communication, Communities, Cultures, Comparisons Connections With 11 Content Standards describing what students should know and be able to doContent Standards – There are also sample progress indicators provided for grades 4, 8, and 12.

Historically, communicative ability in a foreign language has been described in terms of the four skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Consider, however, that communication in the world occurs as skills that are in concert with one another, not as isolated events. Understanding, comprehension, & interpretation involve the blend of cognitive, social, and developmental processes.

– Four Language Abilities (oracy/literacy) Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing – Must also consider a Fifth Language Competence Thinking Fox

Social & Cultural Processes Fox/2009 Language Development Cognitive DevelopmentAcademic Development

Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational Must consider the context and purpose of the communication and use the four skills as working together in an integrated manner

Features two-way oral or written communication and negotiation of meaning Can be face-to-face or written correspondence – AND all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be involved in the Interpersonal Mode

Focuses on the interpretation of meaning in oral and printed texts (no possibility of negotiation of meaning with the writer or speaker). Occurs in activities such as listening to authentic news broadcast, reading a text, or watching a film. It may require a deeper understanding of cultural or historical context. Involves listening, reading, and viewing skills Not the same as translation of a text

Formal, one-way communication to an audience of listeners or readers Speaking or writing skills are involved, but usually not negotiation of meaning between presenter and audience. Usually this communication occurs in the form of a “formal” presentation. Substantial knowledge of the language is necessary for the speaker and the audience so that accurate interpretation can take place.

A look at the Annenberg Video Library for Teachers at Many resources – if time permits we will look at the first video in class. Please consult additional videos and share with your colleagues at home.

Implementing Authentic Materials and Texts Interactive Learning Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Prensky, 2006) Planning for Learner-Centered Instruction

Think, Pair, Share In pairs or trios, use the lesson plan template and your new knowledge to create a student- centered lesson planlesson plan template You may build on your StarTalk work from last week Record to chart paper or use your laptop

Sharing of lesson plans Questions, thoughts? Reflection and Closing