O CTOBER 6, 2014 DAILY OBJECTIVES To analyze canceled TV programs to find their influence on pop culture AND analyze why they fail. Communicative Arts. Failed TV shows. ENTRY TASKS 1.Sit wherever you want to. I will make a seating chart based on the seat you chose today. Move tables? Sit with different people? AGENDA 1.Post-secondary plans 2.The SAT is only 2 weeks away on October 15 th 3.The district has preregistered you all already 4.Seniors have one options provided by ARHS for preparing for the SAT: 1.Use the Official SAT Online Course. Students can follow a link on the front page of the Career Center website. They will need to have or to create a College Board account to sign in. SAT Why shows fail: 1.Bad time slot 2.Poor lead-ins 3.Weak promotion 4.Audience expectations 5.Moved around too much Watch Heroes
O CTOBER 7, 2014 DAILY OBJECTIVES To analyze canceled TV programs to find their influence on pop culture AND analyze why they fail. Communicative Arts. Failed TV shows. ENTRY TASKS 1.Remember the seats you chose yesterday. Those are now assigned. Show me you can handle it. AGENDA 1.Post-secondary plans 2.The SAT is only 2 weeks away on October 15 th 3.The district has preregistered you all already 4.Seniors have one options provided by ARHS for preparing for the SAT: 1.Use the Official SAT Online Course. Students can follow a link on the front page of the Career Center website. They will need to have or to create a College Board account to sign in. SAT Why shows fail: 1.Bad time slot 2.Poor lead-ins 3.Weak promotion 4.Audience expectations 5.Moved around too much Watch Heroes
O CTOBER 10, 2014 DAILY OBJECTIVES To analyze canceled TV programs to find their influence on pop culture AND analyze why they fail. Communicative Arts. Failed TV shows. AGENDA 1.The SAT is tomorrow! 2.The district has preregistered you all already 3.If you want to prepare a bit, you can follow a link on the front page of the Career Center website. 4.Our class will not meet tomorrow 5.Finish current episode of Heroes 6.Brief writing assignment (20 pts possible) 1.How is Heroes like or unlike other prime-time TV dramas of the last decade? 2.Why do you think the show was so popular when it first aired? 3.Based on what you’ve seen so far, why do you think it may have failed/been canceled? 4.Do you think the class should continue to the end of season one or move on? Explain your answer. 7.Feedback on to continue or not 8.Senior Portfolio assignment: Self Reflection Paper: draft 1: due next Wednesday. Tomorrow SAT 8:05-1:00 Jostens 1:44-2:35 Why shows fail: 1.Bad time slot 2.Poor lead-ins 3.Weak promotion 4.Audience expectations 5.Moved around too much Wear Purple Thursday
O CTOBER 11, 2014 DAILY OBJECTIVES To analyze canceled TV programs to find their influence on pop culture AND analyze why they fail. Communicative Arts. Failed TV shows. AGENDA 1.The SAT is tomorrow! 2.The district has preregistered you all already 3.If you want to prepare a bit, you can follow a link on the front page of the Career Center website. 4.Our class will not meet tomorrow 5.Finish current episode of Heroes 6.Brief writing assignment (20 pts possible) 1.How is Heroes like or unlike other prime-time TV dramas of the last decade? 2.Why do you think the show was so popular when it first aired? 3.Based on what you’ve seen so far, why do you think it may have failed/been canceled? 4.Do you think the class should continue to the end of season one or move on? Explain your answer. 7.Feedback on to continue or not 8.Senior Portfolio assignment: Self Reflection Paper: draft 1: due next Wednesday. Tomorrow SAT 8:05-1:00 Jostens 1:44-2:35 Why shows fail: 1.Bad time slot 2.Poor lead-ins 3.Weak promotion 4.Audience expectations 5.Moved around too much
O CTOBER 17, 2014 DAILY OBJECTIVE To analyze canceled TV programs to find their influence on pop culture AND analyze why they fail. Communicative Arts. Failed TV shows. AGENDA 1.Finish season one of Heroes All but one person voted for this. 2.If you were absent Tuesday, please complete the following writing assignment (on my website too) 1.How is Heroes like or unlike other prime-time TV dramas of the last decade? 2.Why do you think the show was so popular when it first aired? 3.Based on what you’ve seen so far, why do you think it may have failed/been canceled? 4.Do you think the class should continue to the end of season one or move on? Explain your answer. 3.In class on Monday Senior Portfolio assignment Self Reflection Paper: Homecoming Spirit Week next week Monday: PJ/Seattle Sports Tuesday: Flannel/Western wear Wednesday: Pink-out Thursday: Color War Friday: Twinning Write a 2-3 page personalized paper sharing who you have become and what’s important to you, in your life, at this time. This work should also demonstrate your writing skills and ability to communicate your thoughts. As this paper should reflect your grown through high school, its final draft should be completed in your senior year.
O CTOBER 19, 2014 DAILY OBJECTIVE To analyze canceled TV programs to find their influence on pop culture AND analyze why they fail. To express personal voice and reflect on growth in writing Communicative Arts. Failed TV shows. AGENDA 1.Start senior Portfolio assignment Self Reflection Paper: Write a 2-3 page personalized paper sharing who you have become and what’s important to you, in your life, at this time. This work should also demonstrate your writing skills and ability to communicate your thoughts. As this paper should reflect your grown through high school, its final draft should be completed in your senior year. 2.Brainstorm as we watch: Heroes 3.If you were absent last Tuesday, please complete the following writing assignment (on my website too) 1.How is Heroes like or unlike other prime-time TV dramas of the last decade? 2.Why do you think the show was so popular when it first aired? 3.Based on what you’ve seen so far, why do you think it may have failed/been canceled? 4.Do you think the class should continue to the end of season one or move on? Explain your answer. Homecoming Spirit Week Monday: PJ/Seattle Sports Tuesday: Flannel/Western wear Wednesday: Pink-out Thursday: Color War Friday: Twinning
Self Reflective Paper. Write a 2-3 page personalized paper sharing who you have become and what’s important to you, in your life, at this time. This work should also demonstrate your writing skills and ability to communicate your thoughts. As this paper should reflect your grown through high school, its final draft should be completed in your senior year. Ideas/Content. The paper should focus on personal growth, achievements, learning experiences, values and talents with supporting details and examples. Organization. The paper should be well-organized with an appropriate introduction, focused paragraphs, logically ordered details, effective transitions, and a final conclusion that relates to the theme of the paper. Style. The paper should express a personal voice with effective word choice and sentence structure. Conventions. Sentences should be complete, with correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Format. The paper should be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, have one inch margins, and a 12 pt font, Times New Roman. Final Product Checklist Focused on personal growth, achievement, values and talents throughout your high school career Expressed in a personal voice Good quality details and examples with generally correct grammar, punctuation and spelling 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, one inch margins
Self Reflective Paper. Write a 2-3 page personalized paper sharing who you have become and what’s important to you, in your life, at this time. This work should also demonstrate your writing skills and ability to communicate your thoughts. As this paper should reflect your grown through high school, its final draft should be completed in your senior year. 1.Try to create a metaphor for your high school experience. 2.Focus on each year (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior) in its own paragraph. 3.For each year, discuss a personal (outside of the classroom) and academic (inside the classroom) growth you experienced. Outline this before you begin writing. Be specific. For example Metaphor: A roller coaster: highs/lows, wild ride, bigger thrill next A race: slow start, strong finish, road blocks, speed bumps A home: comfortable, family, tradition, will miss it A battle: challenged, struggle, fought to victory YearPersonalAcademic Freshmen parents divorcedfailed math, summer school Sophomore first relationshipAP Euro challenges Junior made varsityMs. Moyd Senior confident with identiyapplying for college
1 st Write a brief explanation the metaphor you’re going to use to guide your essay on a post it note and then give it to me in exchange for a Chromebook.
Get a Chromebook and continue your self reflective paper Write a 2-3 page personalized paper sharing who you have become and what’s important to you, in your life, at this time. This work should also demonstrate your writing skills and ability to communicate your thoughts. As this paper should reflect your grown through high school, its final draft should be completed in your senior year. Ideas/Content. The paper should focus on personal growth, achievements, learning experiences, values and talents with supporting details and examples. Organization. The paper should be well-organized with an appropriate introduction, focused paragraphs, logically ordered details, effective transitions, and a final conclusion that relates to the theme of the paper. Style. The paper should express a personal voice with effective word choice and sentence structure. Conventions. Sentences should be complete, with correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Format. The paper should be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, have one inch margins, and a 12 pt font, Times New Roman. 1.Try to create a metaphor for your high school experience. 2.Focus on each year (fr, soph, jr, sr) in its own paragraph. 3.For each year, discuss a personal (outside of the classroom) and academic (inside the classroom) growth you experienced. Outline this before you begin writing. Be specific. Share when you’re finished. Would like first draft today.
Get a Chromebook and continue your self reflective paper Write a 2-3 page personalized paper sharing who you have become and what’s important to you, in your life, at this time. This work should also demonstrate your writing skills and ability to communicate your thoughts. As this paper should reflect your grown through high school, its final draft should be completed in your senior year. Ideas/Content. The paper should focus on personal growth, achievements, learning experiences, values and talents with supporting details and examples. Organization. The paper should be well-organized with an appropriate introduction, focused paragraphs, logically ordered details, effective transitions, and a final conclusion that relates to the theme of the paper. Style. The paper should express a personal voice with effective word choice and sentence structure. Conventions. Sentences should be complete, with correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Format. The paper should be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, have one inch margins, and a 12 pt font, Times New Roman. 1.Try to create a metaphor for your high school experience. 2.Focus on each year (fr, soph, jr, sr) in its own paragraph. 3.For each year, discuss a personal (outside of the classroom) and academic (inside the classroom) growth you experienced. Outline this before you begin writing. Be specific. S h a r e v i a G o o g l e w h e n y o u ’ r e f i n i s h e d. W i l l g o i n a s a g r a d e o r a z e r o o n F r i d a y.