Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Trumpets
1.Explore the setting of the vision of the seven trumpets – end of mercy & second coming! 2.Examine the warnings & judgments of the seven trumpets in the light of Bible symbols. 3.Prayerfully consider our response to the trumpet warnings. objectives Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Trumpets
Q A Q1 What were given to the seven angels who stand before God? Revelation 8:2 A the seven trumpets In Bible times trumpets were used to – 1Call people to WAR 2Warn people of JUDGEMENT 3Announce the coming of the KING Revelation Seminars 13
Q2 After the seven angels received the seven trumpets, John saw another angel with a golden censer. Where was this angel standing? Revelation 8:3 A At the Golden Altar Q3 What work is being performed at this golden altar? Revelation 8:3,4 A Incense … prayers … intercession Q4 To signify the close of this ministry, what does the angel do with the censer? Revelation 8:5 A Throws down the censer Revelation Seminars 13 The Setting of the Seven Trumpets
Q5 What do the seven angels with the trumpets then prepare to do? Revelation 8:6 A To blow the trumpets Revelation Seminars 13 The Setting of the Seven Trumpets
1 The FIRST TRUMPET Q6 What destructive forces are used in the first judgement? Revelation 8:7 A Hail & fire – mixed with blood Instrument of Judgement: hail & fire Q7 What targets are devastated by these attacks and judgements? Revelation 8:7 A 1/3 of earth, trees & grass Target of Judgement: people who ‘claim’ to be God's! Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
2 The SECOND TRUMPET Q8 What agent of destruction is revealed in this judgement? Revelation 8:8 A Something like a huge mountain Instrument of Judgement: mountains Q9 What is the target of this destructive, evil power? Revelation 8:8,9 A 1/3 of sea – creatures & ships Target of Judgement: sea (people of Babylon) Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
3 The THIRD TRUMPET Q10 What is the name of the destructive "star" that fell from the sky? Revelation 8:10,11 A Wormwood Instrument of Judgement: star of bitterness Q11 Upon what target does the great star Wormwood fall? Revelation 8:10,11 A 1/3 of rivers & springs Target of Judgement: those who accept & teach error Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
4 The FOURTH TRUMPET Q12 What is the target when the fourth trumpet is sounded? Revelation 8:12 A 1/3 of sun, moon & stars Target of Judgement: Those who should be God’s Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
Three Woes … Q13 After hearing and seeing the warnings of attacks and judgements of the first four trumpets, what does John hear an eagle cry out? Revelation 8:13 A Woe, Woe, Woe – because of the next three! Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
First Woe … 5 The FIFTH TRUMPET Q14 Who is the devastating foe exposed by the warning of the fifth trumpet? Revelation 9:1-3 A The Star that had fallen! Q15 Who is the target of the attack by Satan and his evil hordes? Revelation 9:4 A Those (earth, plants) without seal of God Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
Second Woe … 6 The SIXTH TRUMPET Q16 Who is the devastating foe exposed by the warning of the sixth trumpet? Revelation 9:13,14. A The 4 angels from beside Euphrates Q17 Who is the target of this attack by these evil angels? Revelation 9:15,16,20,21 A 1/3 of mankind Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
Revelation Seminars 13 The SEVEN TRUMPETSThe SEVEN PLAGUES Revelation 8 & 9 Revelation 16 1.Earth8:71. Earth 16:2 2.Sea8:8,92. Sea 16:3 3.Rivers and springs8:10,113. Rivers and springs 16:4 4.Sun, moon and stars8:124. Sun 16:8 5.People without God’s seal 9:45. The beast’s throne & kingdom 16:10 6.Euphrates and mankind 9:14,156. Euphrates and the world 16: Those who destroy11:187. Babylon 16:17-21 The Targets of Judgement The Instruments of Judgement Where are God’s People?
Third Woe … 7 The SEVENTH TRUMPET Q18 What event does the sounding of the seventh trumpet announce? Revelation 11: A Establishment of God’s Kingdom of Glory Q19 Just as with the seven last plagues, (Revelation 16:17,18) the seven trumpets conclude with a glorious display of supernatural power. What is seen in heaven? Revelation 11:19 A God’s temple & the ark of his covenant Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Angels sound their trumpets
Creation Day 1 light is created Day 2 the air is pure Day 3 vegetation is made Day 4 the sun shines Day 5 sea creatures created Day 6 humans live Day 7 there is REST Trumpet Judgements Trumpet 5 darkness falls Trumpet 5 the atmosphere is polluted Trumpet 1 vegetation is destroyed Trumpet 4 the sun is obscured Trumpet 2 sea creatures destroyed Trumpet 3 humans die Trumpet 5 & 6 there is TORMENT Revelation Seminars 13 The Trumpets describe an undoing of creation …
Q true or false 1.The trumpets are warnings of war and judgments. 2.The wicked are the targets of these attacks. 3.The only ones who are safe during the tribulation of the trumpets are those with the seal of the living God. 4.The basis of God’s rule is His character reflected in the eternal Ten Commandments. Q yes/no/not sure 5. Do you choose to live as one of God’s redeemed servants – as faithful and obedient followers of Jesus? Revelation Seminars 13 quiz
My Response... Q What are the main impressions that you have gained from the vision of the seven trumpets? In what areas of life do you think you are growing in your relationship and obedience to Jesus? A Revelation Seminars 13 NewChurchLife Resource –
Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 13 The Seven Trumpets