1 Moodle Login Professional Development Training
2 Step 1: CLICK HERE
3 Step 2: Login CLICK HERE
4 Step 3: Enter Login Information User Name Password CLICK HERE
6 Select Course Professional Development Training
7 Step 1: Find Campus CLICK HERE
8 Step 2: Find Program CLICK HERE
9 Step 3: Find Term CLICK HERE
10 Step 4: Find Course CLICK HERE
11 Step 5: Course Main Screen Next sections start here
12 Hide Content from Students Professional Development Training
13 Why? The content in the electrical courses is not ready for the students. We do not want to show content that is not ready, however we want you to use the gradebook functionality. Students will have access to this course so we must hide all content except the syllabus and introduction. The content in the electrical courses is not ready for the students. We do not want to show content that is not ready, however we want you to use the gradebook functionality. Students will have access to this course so we must hide all content except the syllabus and introduction.
14 Step 1: Turn Editing on CLICK HERE
15 Step 2: Editing turned on Notice all additional icons show up
16 Step 3: Close eyeballs next to topics CLICK HERE Click on open eyeball
17 Step 4: The eyeball is now closed Students cannot see the closed eyeballs and greyed out topics Closed eyeball
18 Note: For those programs that are teaching on Moodle with all curriculum you must open material to students 2-3 days in advance. Check and make sure you do not open quizzes accidently. You can close the eyeballs next to them individually. For those programs that are teaching on Moodle with all curriculum you must open material to students 2-3 days in advance. Check and make sure you do not open quizzes accidently. You can close the eyeballs next to them individually.
19 Edit Course Settings Professional Development Training
20 Edit Course Setting We need to set course start date. We need to make sure description is correct. Start from main course screen. We need to set course start date. We need to make sure description is correct. Start from main course screen.
21 Step 1: Course Main Screen This section starts here
22 Step 2: Scroll down screen to Admin block
23 Step 3: Click on Settings CLICK HERE
24 Step 4: Fix Course Start Date
25 Step 5: Fix/Add Course Description Should Match Catalog
26 Step 6: Save and Return to Course CLICK HERE
27 Step 7: Back to Main Screen
28 Hint: You can always get back here CLICK HERE
29 Hint: You can get back to department CLICK HERE
30 Enroll Students Professional Development Training
31 Enroll Students Before being able to add grades you must add students. This needs to be done by end of first day of term. Start from main course screen. Before being able to add grades you must add students. This needs to be done by end of first day of term. Start from main course screen.
32 Step 1: Course Main Screen This section starts here
33 Step 2: Scroll down screen to Admin block
34 Step 3: Click on Users CLICK HERE
35 Step 4: Click On Enrolled Users CLICK HERE
36 Step 5: Teacher should be listed Teacher should be listed
37 Step 6: Click Enroll Users Click Here
38 Step 7: Enrollment Screen
39 Step 8: Find Student Then Click Here Type Student Last Name Or First Name Or address
40 Step 9: Click Enroll Button Click Here
41 Step 10: Search Next Student Type Student Last Name Or First Name Or address Then Click Here
42 Step 11: Repeat Steps for all
43 Step 11: Complete Enrollment Click Here
44 Step 12: Finished Enrolling All enrolled students should Show on this list as a ‘Student’ role
45 Step 13: Return to Course Screen Click Here
46 Step 14: Back Where We Started
47 Access Grade Book Professional Development Training
48 Step 1: Course Main Screen This section starts here
49 Step 2: Scroll down screen to Admin block
50 Step 3: Click on Grades CLICK HERE
51 Step 4: You are In Gradebook Student Name Grades (this section scrolls left & right)
52 Edit Grades Professional Development Training
53 Step 1: From Gradebook Screen All Gradebook Sections Start Here
54 Step 2: Turn Editing On Click Here
55 Step 3: Find Assignment Assignment
56 Step 4: Enter Grade and press TAB Enter Grade & Press TAB
57 Notes: Once you enter the grade and press TAB the grade area will change colors. DO NOT leave the screen until the grade area changes colors – the grade will not save. The update button will not be enabled unless you do not have JavaScript on your browser. If the update button (middle bottom) works make sure you click that before you leave screen. Colors will not change in this case. Once you enter the grade and press TAB the grade area will change colors. DO NOT leave the screen until the grade area changes colors – the grade will not save. The update button will not be enabled unless you do not have JavaScript on your browser. If the update button (middle bottom) works make sure you click that before you leave screen. Colors will not change in this case.
58 Note: Update Button Only use if it enables itself.
59 Step 5: When Complete (Edit Off) Click Here
60 Step 7: Return to Gradebook Default
61 Add Grade Items Professional Development Training
62 Why? While most items you will use are there, if you need to add a grade item (quiz, lab, homework) you will need to add it before putting a grade in it.
63 Step 1: From Gradebook Screen All Gradebook Sections Start Here
64 Step 2: From Gradebook Screen Click Here
65 Step 3: Click Simple View Click Here on Dropdown
66 Step 4: Simple View Screen Scroll down to bottom
67 Step 5: Select Add Grade Item Click Here
68 Step 6: Enter Item Name Item Name Do not change
69 Select 7: Select Category Select Category
70 Select 8: Save Changes Click Here
71 Step 9: Simple View Screen Click Here
72 Step 10: Select Grader Report Click Here
73 Step 11: From Gradebook Screen Back to Gradebook