1M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Station QA Analysis (G4MICE) For details of software see my previous talk here: u Slower progress since the last meeting than I had wanted to make due to other commitments. Have made a first pass on the Co57 data that James has taken. As expected at the previous meeting, the Co57 data gives a peak that can be fitted (compared with the distribution from the Sr90 source). Still in the process of finishing up the new set of histograms that use the source location to select the fibres to histogram (currently still using the fibre with the most entries, which was already shown to agree with the source position, but perhaps isn’t ideal for the final QA as it will not spot a dead channel). Will try to finish this and the automatic fitting over the weekend...
2M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Co57 Data RunTRIP Discrim. Setting DAQ Rate (Hz) Events in Plane V Events in Plane X Events in Plane W Useful Events s (highest) (mostly ped) / 0.08 / / 0.25 / / 0.27 / (lowest) / 0.56 / 0.63
3M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Optimum setting From those 4 runs, it would appear that with the Co57 data we favour the lowest threshold (i.e. the highest number in that specific register). This results in a 10k trigger run for a position that gives a histogram with a few hundred entries (see following slides) in a time of about 5 minutes. In practice, I think we need more statistics, however, so will likely want a longer run per position. I would still like to understand what is going on with the gain/overflows (particularly in light of the results reported by Hideyuki a few days ago), but it seems to me that the best approach to take is the Co57 source (as we no longer try to reconstruct triplets) and runs of minutes per source position. This would result in the ability to take points per day (assuming automated, unattended running 24 hours per day!) Perhaps we could thus characterise a station in 2 days ( points in a strategic arrangement)?
4M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Plane V (TRIP: 240)
5M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Plane X (TRIP: 240)
6M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Plane W (TRIP: 240)
7M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 Next Steps IF we agree that the Co57 is the way to go, I would like those at IC to take a test run of Station 5 with the statistics that I suggested (i.e points, 50k triggers per point) over the weekend (is this possible now?). In parallel I will complete the automation of the analysis application and then on Monday/Tuesday we can perform the analysis and revisit the results perhaps on a phone meeting on Tuesday afternoon? Henry is working on the large disk storage at Brunel and the necessary infrastructure to allow James and Hideyuki to transfer the data to Brunel for analysis. We also need to revisit the database and in particular what information needs to come out of the QA process and be saved in the database...
8M. Ellis - MICE Tracker PC - 19th October 2007 What should the scan pattern be? We have a limited number of discrete positions if we ask for high statistics at each point. We could scan along the length of fibre and so sum the statistics at each point along the fibre, however that then leaves very low statistics on the cross fibres (and presumably more dead time due to increased stage movement?). Perhaps it makes sense to pick points which are uniformly distributed about the area of the active circle of the station? Or do we scan down the length of each of the three centre fibres? (Thus developing fantastic precision on the three centre fibres and decent results over the limited area of those three lines but no information about the bulk of the area of the station)