GOES fluence in 0.5-4 Å and 1 - 8 Å (1 min data) GOES fluence in 0.5-4 Å and 1 - 8 Å (1 min data) Areas in black correspond to times with the data missing.


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Presentation transcript:

GOES fluence in Å and Å (1 min data) GOES fluence in Å and Å (1 min data) Areas in black correspond to times with the data missing from telemetry or times when HV was OFF (rad. belt passage) PHA histogram for a given channel Time runs horizontally, amplitude bin (0÷31) vertically. Normalized to maximum in the dump Channel descriptor Crystal & wavelength band (software indexes used before 15 Nov and spectroscopic indexes later on) “Rubbish” side bins ‘0’ and ‘31’ containing the signal from particles mostly. Used in software to detect rad. belt passage High Voltage [V] set at the start of the sequence Strong S XV He-like ion resonannce line at 5.04 Å seen on the spectrum. λ runs vertically, time-hor. Spacecraft night period. Orbital background seen Rad. belt passages High Voltage is OFF Flare duration & position (from SOHO EIT) Flare of X-ray class M6 The rise phase is entirely observed by RESIK, during about 30 min. between auroral crossings

RESIK lightcurve plot (in black) description Channel #2 (Ar XVII) denoted in ‘software’ notation as #0 Minimum DGI value for a given sequece [s] Maximum DGI value for a given sequece [s] Date of the data period shown. Time [hours] elapsed from initial day start Inclination Φ [deg] of the dispersion plane for given day (large) and preceding & following days (small) Dump identification (the number of orbit at which the data presented were sent to the ground) PHA amplitude histogram (32 bins) for entire period shown. The peak corre- sponds to Si fluorescence Summed spectrum in a given band. All day & night periods included Spectra normalized to their maxima. Orbital background is promptly removed. Spectral variations seen represent RELATIVE changes of intensity between lines, NOT the changes due to solar flux level. Example size of the Sun on the spectrum. Lines may be displaced so much S XV (w, x, y &z) triplet lines and satellites Si XIII 1s 2 - 1s3p lines and satellites

S XVI 1s - 2p Lyα line and satellites Possibly Si (solar induced) fluorescence emission Solar peak in the range seen below Only background signal seen on PHA during night Ar XVII 1s 2 - 1s2p w resonance line and satellites Ar XVII 1s 2 - 1s2p z forbidden line and satellites Detector A ‘standard’ HV setting 1480 V Detector B ‘standard’ HV setting 1419 V ‘Control’ Detector A HV readout 1480 V with readout noise ±17 V ‘Control’ Detector B HV readout 1414 V with readout noise ±10 V

Upper and bottom plot panels Orbital position of the CORONAS at each time Orbital position of the CORONAS at each time Particle (protons) from PIN detectors due to SAA passage Orbital position of the CORONAS at each time Orbital position of the CORONAS at each time Auroral regions crossings HV OFF due to high energy electrons Combined PHA signal in ‘rubbish’ bins, some flare response present. This levels are analysed onboard in order to determine rad-belt intrusion Earth map in projection where eqal ate longitude zones crossed by S/C in each DGI - funny Levels corresponding to particular GOES X-ray flare classes, A, B...

ADS settings for a particulare channel Ar XVII 1s 2 - 1s2p triplet lines and the corresponding satellites S XV 1s 2 - 1s4p line and satellites K XVIII 1s 2 - 1s2p triplet lines and the corresponding satellites RESIK logo names of people can be seen on zoomed PostScript file Dodac tu powiekszenie stopki logo ! Raw spectrum number for easy access from data

Orbit & particles ‘electrons PHA’ Spectra normalized to maximum in each channel Å Å Å GOES fluxes Flare positions & dispersion plane Black - HV off S/C nights PHA spectrum #1 4 ADS = spectrum #3 3 ADS = spectrum #0 2 ADS = spectrum #2 1 ADS = engineering for publication