Welcome to Kindergarten!!! Back to School Night
Welcome to Ms. Menton’s class- Room 110 * Daily Schedule *Morning Message/Journal *Lunch *Calendar*Recess *Reading*Quiet Reading *Phonics*Writing *Content*Specials *Centers*Math
Math/Investigations/ Common Core Unit 1: Who Is in School Today? Unit 2: Counting and Comparing Unit 3: What Comes Next? Unit 4: Measuring and Counting Unit 5: Make a Shape, Build a Block Unit 6: How Many Do I Have? Unit 7: Sorting and Surveys **Manipulatives used daily
Phonics Letter Recognition Sounds Handwriting of uppercase/lowercase letters Pre-decodable Books Blending and Segmenting
Reading Wonders Program/Common Core Skills and strategies Sight words Small/flexible groupings Skill-based activities
Content/Writing Aligned with Wonders reading program Content: Science, Social Studies, Health
Centers Reading Small Group Reading Letters, Sounds, Words Bookmaking Following directions Listening Center Read the room Independent Read Math/Content/Social Fine Motor Construction Dramatic Play Computer Discovery Math Write the room Art Science
Field Trip Summers Farm-Frederick, Maryland –Wednesday, October 21 –Volunteers/Chaperones must have completed the volunteer training –Fill out form –Complete on line –Send in certificate
Report Cards 1st and 3 rd quarter Report cards will be distributed in November Mandatory Parent Conferences are in November and in May Conference sign up via Volunteer Spot
Parties Birthdays –Store bought treats Holidays -No homemade food items -No nuts Sign up for items with Volunteer Spot.
Parent Volunteers Must have the parent volunteer training. To sign up, please write your name 10-11:45am on the calendar outside the classroom or me. One parent only per day, please. :- )
Attendance Notes within 2 days of illness Please send paper notes or Students will receive work when they return
Supplies Please make sure your child has all the necessary supplies by September 8 th. Buy glue sticks, pencils, erasers and crayons now while on sale. Clorox and baby wipes would be much appreciated to wipe down tables. As supplies dwindle we will send a letter home.
Scholastic Books Monthly Online or paper copy Books and CDs for the classroom the classroom library and listening center. For holidays, we can keep the book orders a surprise.
Important!!! Please bring in a change of clothes in a ziplock bag to keep in your child’s cubby. Please triple check your child’s arrival and dismissal procedures so that every child arrives and leaves safely. Kindergarten does not use the county grade book on BCPS One. Anecdotal Records/checklists and observations are kept.
Let’s Make It a Great Year!!!!! From the Kindergarten Team