An Introduction for CMS Teachers and Staff
Agenda Agenda: Making the case for Information Literacy What is BIG6 ™ ? Why Big6? Big6 Step-by-Step Big6 Resources
Essential Questions Essential Questions: What is "information literacy" and why is it important to our teaching? How do we define a process for teaching the critical thinking and problem solving skills our students need?
Information Literacy Why do our students need information literacy? It is the foundation of the basic skills of the 21st century.
Power of Information Literacy Information Literacy
Media Services Role The mission of the library-media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. American Association of School Librarians, 1989
Defining Big6 What is Big6? An information problem-solving process model Instructional model that integrates Critical thinking skills Research skills Technology skills
Rational for Use Why Big6? The Big6 has been adopted as the CMS district- wide research model because it: Is easily adaptable for primary, elementary, middle school, and high school students Aligns with Strategic Goals 2014 Provides consistent Information Literacy Skills instruction K-12 Contains extensive support materials
Problem-Solving Process: Skills Framework One framework, many skills Research Skills Reading Skills Thinking Skills Technology Skills Authentic, integrated context Problem-Solving Process
The Big6 Approach ● A Six Step Process ● 3 Stages: - Planning, - Doing, - Reflecting
Planning Stages Task Definition What is the “Big question” you must answer? What info do you need to complete the task(s)? Information Seeking Strategy What are possible sources of info? Which sources are best? What are the access “keys”?
Improving readership Doing Stages Location and Access Where are the resources located? Use “info tools” to access the resources Use of Information Engage the information Assess the information Take notes Synthesis Organize the ideas & information Share
Reflection Stage Evaluation Judge the Product (effectiveness) Did I complete the assignment? Was it my best work? Judge the Process (efficiency) Would I change anything next time? Examples: time spent on useful activities time needed to complete tasks
Super 3 The Super3 is the adapted version of Big6 for the primary grades (K-2). This takes the six-step process and breaks it down into three easy steps. Plan (Beginning) Do (Middle) Review (End)
Encourage younger students to think in terms of process Imagine themselves as the main character in a story, how does the character solve the problem? Rubberstamps to cite sources – book, person, computer Super 3
Process, not just product Answering Big questions, not just finding facts Teaching skills in a larger context Teaching research, technology, and thinking skills Curriculum: Real needs in real situations! Authentic assignments: papers, reports, projects units and lessons Instructional Focus
CONTEXT is the KEY WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health. Implementation
In School Library and Technology Centers Big6 Handbook Big6 Poster Research Guides In the Classrooms Implementation: Student Focus
How can your Media Specialist support you in implementing Big6 in your classroom? Collaboration and curriculum mapping Planning forms Big6 Library Websites Model & Co-teach the Big6 Teacher Support
The Big6 Website: Big6 Website This is the official Big6 website. Janet Murray’s Website: Murray’s Website Janet Murray has taken the Big6 stages and created a chart that shows where the Information Literacy Standards and the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS) standards fit within those stages. Nuts & Bolts of the Big6: & Bolts of the Big6 This site details each Big6 stage, provides resources and activities, and has a great Big6 game. Research Project Worksheet: Project Worksheet This worksheet provides a checklist for students as they work through the Big6 stages. Online Resources to Support BIG6™ information skills Big6 Resources
References: Applying Big6 Skills, Information Literacy Standards and ISTE NETS to Internet Research. Ed. Janet Murry June Big6: Information Skills for Student Achievement Big6 Associates, LLC. 23 June Infusing Information Literacy and Big6 Information Problem Solving: Research Project Worksheet. Ed. Kate Kelley and Michelle Steever Chariho Middle School. 23 June Media Center: Big6 Information Skills Guide. Ed. Jeanne Barnes John Newbery Elementary School. 23 June 2007 <>. Nuts & Bolts of the Big 6: In Search of Information Literacy AT&T Knowledge Ventures. 23 June 2007 < wired/big6/index.html>. References