LUMINA trial Guided manual Ki67 scorer Release notes New features 1.Option to rescore 2.Support for Hamamatsu (.ndpi) file 3.Report updates/enhancements Report includes pathologist’s name Patient eligible/ineligible checkboxes and messages regarding the need for external rescore will not appear if a rescore has been indicated. All reports are to be faxed to OCOG at Rescore rule is now based on the 95% confidence interval Bug fixes 1.Annotation file with no free-hand (i.e. rectangles/ellipses only) is now supported.
Technical features updates Checksum (MD5) of virtual slide file now stored in annotation file so one can verify that the annotation file points to the correct virtual slide file. (Previously, this verification is done by matching the filename e.g. “78.svs” corresponds to “78.xml_GPEC ”
The following are some screen captures of the new software features
Initial scoring. “Date specimen received” required. Rescore. “Date specimen received” field will not be shown.
Pathologist’s name field. Required.
For initial scoring report, a box for rescore results will be drawn on report if rescore is needed.
Overview image showing location of intratumoral cicles.
Ki67 results on individual intratumoral circle shown on report.
Histogram of Ki67 results on boostrap samples shown opn report.