WELCOME TO CURRICULUM NIGHT Mrs. Monzo Third Grade Please write your child a note of encouragement in their Writer’s Notebook.
My name is Michelle Monzo. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Wayne State University in I completed my Masters in Early Childhood Education in 2009 from Oakland University. This is my ninth year of teaching at Wass. I previously taught 1 st grade. I am married, have a 4 ½ year old daughter (Madison), an “almost” 2-year old son, Mason, and a dog (Brutus). A little about me…
My Treasures… MadisonMason
Ranch Procedures
Red Homework Folder Check daily Remove papers Please return each day Specials schedule on back
Assignment Books Communicates homework & due dates Items to be brought to school Adult signature EACH NIGHT Crazy night - write a note Forget homework or incomplete (Blue note and an opportunity to catch up during recess)
Reading, Writing & Math READINGWRITINGMATH Working to build a base of CAFÉ strategies to support reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary Conventions (punctuation and capitalization) Grammar Different genres (personal narratives-true stories) Basic Facts (Unit 1: Multiplication and Division) Showing Evidence Problem Solving *Answer Key
Math Math Expressions Homework pages – each night Remembering pages – at school Unit Review Unit Test Quarterly Test basic facts for report cards Addition/subtraction all quarters Multiplication/division 3 rd and 4 th quarter Math is taught five times per week Basic fact practice daily
Word Study New spelling pattern each week 5 High-frequency Words Introduce sort & send home homework on Monday Tests are Friday Q.S.I. (Ms. Torres) Spelling City App
Social Studies “Social Studies Alive” (5 regions of the United States) 1. Textbook 2. Student workbook (I.S.N.) 3.Interactive Activities and Mapping 4. Chapter Review and Tests (each region) 5. iPad Activities (Approximately 3 times per week)
Science Units Structures of Life Measurement (Metric) Properties of Water Light and Heat Earth, Moon and Sun (Approximately 3 times per week)
Technology Digital Citizenship (WWW) Computer Lab iPads Tech Talks (flyer) Services Building (Livernois) “With great power comes great responsibility.”
OTHER EXCITING TOPICS Cursive Buddies Wass Wolf Packs Wax Museum (late March-early April) 3 rd Grade Music Concert (Date TBD) State Mandated Assessment (May-exact dates to come)
Grades Letter grades and percentages will be given on some papers and tests “N” requires parent signature +, +,, - and – Characteristics of Learners 4 electronic report cards HAC Account (Computer Lab tonight!) S Secure P Progressing N Needs improvement/ More time/ More practice
How You Can be a Super Parent! Foster the love of reading and writing Modeling, Family Read Alouds, letter writing Library trips Bookstore Check over your child’s homework Encourage the use of… Front Row/ Spelling City Communicate with the teacher Classroom website Notes Math Homework Helper Practice Basic Facts Math Drawings “What makes you say that?”
Birthday Celebrations & Nut-free Classrooms We love to celebrate birthdays! 26 students Please be reminded that edible birthday treats are no longer allowed - Alternative options include: class book, toy/game for indoor or outdoor recess, school supplies, etc. Snacks containing nuts or nut products are not permitted. This also includes products which have been manufactured in a plant that processes nuts and tree nuts – PLEASE check labels CAREFULLY! Nut products for lunch are permitted
Friendly Reminders Please return Entertainment Books/Money, party money, forms, etc. Owl Pellet Dissection (date to follow) Complete the Wass Student Directory form Volunteer Background Check (Fill out tonight if you want to go on a field trip later.) Write your child a note of encouragement in their Writer’s Notebook.
iPads Educreations (used across all subjects) Reading-Fluency recordings Math-solving math problems discussing with partners and whole group Spelling City Front Row (math app) Adaptive practice iMovie Wax Museum, All About Me, etc.
Stick around to chat if would like
Home Access Center Please be sure to set up your HAC account so you can view your child’s report card! Miss Opron will be available in the computer lab to assist you in setting up your account and to answer any questions you may have, or….. Copy down this link to set up your account on your own. ccess ccess