Elissa Frankle, USHMM, August 2011
Anti-Jewish Legislation Blacks in Nazi Germany Nazi Olympics Propaganda Podcasts
Holocaust Encyclopedia: “Anti-Jewish Legislation in Pre-War Germany” wlc/en/article.php? ModuleId=
List of selected laws: /wlc/en/article.php? ModuleId= How does a country isolate and exclude a population of its citizens?
Africans and African- Americans in Germany: /wlc/en/article.php? ModuleId=
Online Exhibit: museum/exhibit/ online/olympics/ See particularly: Boycott Olympics Timeline of Olympics vs. rest of Germany
Holocaust Encyclopedia: “Nazi Olympics, Berlin 1936: African American Voices and Jim Crow America” wlc/en/article.php? ModuleId=
Full online exhibit: propaganda/exhibit. html How does racism become part of the daily life and self-concept of the nation?
Propaganda exhibit: Voices of the Excluded ml#/themes/defining-the-enemy/page2/ What does it mean to be an outsider? How does propaganda define someone? What happens when people are defined by others?
Teaching about Anti-Semitism: Being an Outsider Group Activity antisemitism/voices/teaching/outsider/group/ Includes interviews and further resources. How does injustice move someone from citizen to outcast?
Jim Crow Museum: JIMCROW/menu.htm JIMCROW/menu.htm
Southern Poverty Law Center: Includes resources on hate incidents and how to get involved in stopping them
List of Jim Crow laws, compiled by Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site Interpretive Staff: jcrow02.htm
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