Welcome to First Grade!
Home/School Communication Frequent Homework Folder (daily) Agenda (daily) Newsletter (weekly)
Home/School Communication Phone: Conferences (call office or send a note) See Webpage ( My NEW webpagewebpage
Curriculum South Carolina Standards (link to State Department of Education on fsd1.org homepage) Resources Reading Book (to also be used at home for reading practice) Math, Science, and Social Studies textbooks Core Standards (new program being developed by Florence School District One to integrate standards more effectively)
Our Schedule Lunch 10:35Recess 11:05 Related Arts 11:45-12:30 Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Music Computer Library/Guidance Art PE
Important Things to Know Homework: given daily, except for Friday (see newsletter) Changes in Afternoon Transportation: No changes will be made without a note or notification of the office! Items from Home: Do not send! School materials are kept in basket. Toys, jewelry and other valuables are very distracting and are often lost, taken, or given away.
More Important Stuff… Signed Papers: Sent home on Monday. Sign and return on Tuesdays in homework folder. Agendas: Please initial daily. This is a good chance to discuss the kind of day your child had at school. Breakfast: Breakfast will not be served after 7:40! Classroom Visitation: Parents and others must stop by the office for a visitor’s tag. This is school policy implemented for children’s safety. Please do not be offended if I ask to see your visitor’s tag. Students signed-out early: Students must be signed out through the office. Students will not be released to parents who are visiting the classroom without being signed-out through the office. PE: No flip-flops, please!