Patriot Traits Stay Strong Before and After School Procedures
Learning Targets 1.I can meet the Patriot Traits each morning and afternoon 2.I can know what to do before school 3.I can know what to do after school
Bus Expectations School expectations include when the student is on the bus! Students can receive a referral for bad behavior on the bus. Consequences can include: after school detention, assigned bus seat, loss of privilege for riding the bus. Review bus expectations.
BREAKFAST 1. Wait in line outside with Mrs. Bade - do not budge, push, or bunch up. 2. Move forward in the line until dismissed to breakfast line. 3. Place backpacks on the tables closest to the gym. We do this to keep the eating area clear of backpacks so no one trips on them. 4. Stay on the gym side to eat. 5. When finished, raise your hand to be dismissed, dump your tray, and proceed to your grade level area. 6. No electronics while eating breakfast!!!
Line up at this door to enter for breakfast.
Good Weather 1.Students will wait near the Science Doors staying within the boundary of the flag pole, bike rack, and yellow line 2.When returning outside from breakfast, students should keep walking past the 6 th grade students and directly to their waiting area. 3.When the bell rings or teachers on duty signal students may enter the building by walking and using quiet voices. 4.All school rules apply while on any Sioux City Schools property
Bad Weather 1.Enter the right slide doors to get into the building. 2.Go to the window side of the Commons. 3.Once you have sat down, remain seated until dismissed by the bell or teacher on duty. 4.Voices should be at a low level and conversations should be school appropriate. 5.All school rules apply while on any Sioux City Schools property
Additional Expectations 1.Before School 1.If you have a pass from a teacher to work in their room before school starts, please show it to Mrs. Gustafson, Mrs. Bade, or other teacher on Breakfast duty 2.As the weather gets colder summer clothes such as flip flops, shorts, tank tops, sleeveless shirts, etc. should no longer be worn. 2.After School 1.No students are to be in the Pod Area without the presence of a teacher or coach. 2.Students preparing for practice must stay in the locker room or PE Hallway. 3.Students are not to wait outside the Choir room for rides. All students must either wait outside or near the large clock near the Main Office.
Learning Targets Revisited 1.Can you meet the Patriot Traits each morning and afternoon? 2.Do you know what to do before school? 3.Do you know what to do after school? Did we cover all that we were suppose to cover?