Chapter 1 Understanding Health and Wellness Lesson 4 Promoting Health and Wellness
The Importance of Health Education Individual, family, community, and national health require planning and responsible behavior on everyone’s part.
The Importance of Health Education Health education can empower people to live healthfully and improve their quality of life. Health education
The Nation’s Health Goals The federal government has established national health goals and objectives through Healthy People. Healthy People
The Nation’s Health Goals One of the goals of Healthy People 2010 is to reduce
The Nation’s Health Goals The nation has set a goal of reducing these percentages
Goals of Healthy People Healthy People 2010 established two general goals for the future: Increase the quality and length of a healthy life for all Americans, Remove health disparities that result from factors such as gender, race, education, disability, and location. Health disparities
Goals of Healthy People The health goals that are guiding early development of Healthy People 2020 include the following: 1 Promote the best possible health in order to end preventable death, illness, injury, and disability. 2 3 Make wellness a way of life and enhance quality of life for individuals and communities. 4
Becoming Health Literate A health-literate person knows how to find and use reliable health information.
Becoming Health Literate People who are informed know
Becoming Health Literate To become an informed individual who can make sound health decisions, one must know how to: Assess the risks and benefits of treatment Figure out how much medicine to take
What You Can Do In order to increase your knowledge and take steps to improve your wellness, you need to develop health literacy. Health literacy
Qualities of a Health-Literate Individual What You Can Do a critical thinker and problem solver Qualities of a Health-Literate Individual an effective communicator
After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary Why is health education important?
After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary What are health disparities?
After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary List three criteria that are needed for an individual to make sound health decisions.