The Terminology used in this PowerPoint has not been sanctioned by the Department of State, the Governor of Maryland, Dean Wei, or any agent of Maryland Cooperative Extension. The Terminology is subject to change. Any use or promotion of this Terminology is at the risk of the user. No liability is assumed by the above mentioned individuals and agencies. Warning
Impact Area Impact Team Signature Program
GOALS Update the existing plan to integrate with the college & university Align with current & emerging issues Reframe structure to reflect priorities Evaluate & communicate importance of MCE What can we be?
Design process, environmental scanning, & secondary data analysis (staffing trends, population projections & demographics, budgets) Feedback meetings (continuing, emerging issues, how do we structure & evaluate) & aggregate responses
Prioritize top three continuing and emerging issues. Leadership team analyzes info & develops draft of key outcomes & strategic goals Strategic Plan update drafted. Statewide session to review plan Strategic Plan submitted to College for integration Impact Teams Form 7/1/09
MCE Strategic Plan Update Updated using “practice wisdom,” environmental scanning, and secondary data Aligned with current environment Maintained current mission, vision, values Target to big issues Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of economy, environment, & community
These words belong to all of you. Your collective, strategic thinking and wisdom are reflected in this material.
MCE Impact Areas Triple Bottom Line! Economy Community Environment Impact Team: FoodSmart Impact Team: Community Leadership & Civic Engagement Impact Team: HealthSmart Impact Team: Natural Res. Conservation & Sustainability Impact Team: Community Resource & Economic Development Impact Team: MoneySmart Impact Team: Energy Conservation & Sustainability Impact Team: Agriculture & Natural Resources Profitability Resilient Communities Healthy Living Environment & Natural Resources Local Food & Agriculture Systems
Key Outcome: Agriculture and food production will be sustainable and profitable and produce a safe, abundant, affordable, & accessible food supply Impact Team: Agriculture & Natural Resource Profitability Signature Programs
Strategic Goals: Increase agricultural literacy in urban and rural areas to develop residents’ understanding of the food system. Increase the sustainability and profitability of agriculture, forestry, and green industries through sustainable environmental practices. Minimize loss of agricultural land while enhancing (promoting) value of agriculture land and open space in rural and urban areas. Increase agricultural profitability and sustainability through the development of alternative enterprises and value-added products. Optimize the Maryland food system to match local production with market demand. Increase the use and affordability of local grown, fresh food through local market promotion & community gardens. Impact Area: Local Food & Agriculture Systems
Key Outcome: Individuals & communities will become stewards to manage the environment for the mutual benefit of people, ecosystems, wildlife, natural resources, & economic interests Environment & Natural Resources
Impact Team: Energy Conservation & Sustainability Strategic Goals: Increase knowledge of new, science-based, energy-efficient technologies by assimilation of emerging information on biofuels, renewable, and alternative energy sources. Increase knowledge and use of EPPs, such as LEED. Signature Programs Impact Team: Natural Resources Conservation & Sustainability Strategic Goals: Increase use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to improve water, forestry, agriculture, and land quality. Increase the adoption of BMPs that reduce inputs of nutrients into the environment. Minimize environmental impact from agriculture through best management practices. Signature Programs
Key Outcome: Youth, individuals, & families will make informed decisions about their health, finances, food, housing, and overall well-being Impact Team: Money$mart Strategic Goal: Increase basic financial literacy and financial security for the future of Maryland residents. Signature Programs
Impact Team: HealthSmart Strategic Goals: Increase basic health literacy for adults and youth in Maryland. Improve health status across the life span through increased consumption of healthful food and increased physical activity. Increase awareness of healthy homes, workplaces, and schools, and adopt best practices for improving indoor air quality and environments by reducing harm from lead paint, smoke, chemicals, radon, mold, and other poisons. Signature Programs Impact Team: FoodSmart Strategic Goals: Increase home and community food production and home food preparation. Increase consumer food safety, handling, and food preservation practices and literacy from farm to consumer to reduce food-borne illnesses. Signature Programs
Key Outcome: Improve human capacity to achieve desired community outcomes & be prepared to respond to uncertainties of economics, health, climate, & security
Impact Team: Community Resource & Economic Development Strategic Goals: Increase capacity of communities for economic resiliency through entrepreneurship opportunities. Increase the knowledge and skills of youth and adults to develop entrepreneurial ventures. Increase the number of youth engaged in science, engineering, and technology to develop work force skills and career paths and increase the number of students entering college to study STEM. Signature Programs
Impact Team: Community Leadership & Civic Engagement Strategic Goals: Increase leadership skills of youth and adults to engage in community decision-making and public policy. Increase leadership skills of Maryland residents through partnerships which lead to sustainable communities. Enhance the community ability of decision making on public- policy issues through process skills (group facilitation, PIE, consensus building). Signature Programs
Impact Teams Agriculture & Natural Resource Profitability Energy Conservation & Sustainability Natural Resources Conservation & Sustainability MoneySmart HealthSmart FoodSmart Community Resource & Economic Development Community Leadership & Civic Engagement
Prioritize and focus More teams Flexibility to address issues Collaborative within MCE Less individual planning and more integration Regionalization Development of national programs Reward team efforts Recognition of educators Reward campus faculty for MCE work Partnerships Collaboration “Bringing folks together to catalyze” “Putting our strengths together in a formal way.” “Working together is smart” Re-establish relationship among Extension, Research, & Teaching