5/25/2007 Page 1 BauschConnect.com Help Document Sales Reps
5/25/2007 Page 2 Log In Page Enter your username and password Click “Log In” You can change your log-in info anytime by clicking on the “My Profile” link If you forget your password, a “help” link is provided
5/25/2007 Page 3 Home Page Main [Left Side] Navigation –Outbound Marketing –My Contacts –Communications Resources –News –Calendar
5/25/2007 Page 4 Home Page Critical functions are promoted within the main body of the page –Outbound Marketing –My Contacts –Featured Documents –Relevant News Items –Upcoming Events
5/25/2007 Page 5 Home Page Secondary navigation includes –Link to update your profile –Link to log off
5/25/2007 Page 6 My Profile Change your personal information, including your password Click on “SAVE” to preserve your changes
5/25/2007 Page 7 Outbound Marketing
5/25/2007 Page 8 Outbound Marketing This is the place to create and track your targeted personalized outbound electronic communications There are five steps that should be followed sequentially
5/25/2007 Page 9 Outbound Marketing Step 1: Select an message from those available.
5/25/2007 Page 10 Outbound Marketing Step 2: Add an attachment, selecting from any/all listed.
5/25/2007 Page 11 Outbound Marketing Step 3: Select recipients to receive your ; you can search for individual recipients or select a group of recipients. The advanced search function allows you to narrow your list based on the Bausch & Lomb products they use.
5/25/2007 Page 12 Outbound Marketing Step 4: Review your /confirm recipients. Preview
5/25/2007 Page 13 Outbound Marketing Step 5: Send immediately, or schedule a date for delivery.
5/25/2007 Page 14 Outbound Marketing Tracking Within the tracking function, you can view the subject, date was sent, last tracking update and number of s sent.
5/25/2007 Page 15 My Contacts
5/25/2007 Page 16 My Contacts This is where you can manage your contacts/leads database. You can do a quick search using a keyword, or choose from one of three key functions: - Add a new contact - View/modify/delete existing contacts - Manage groups
5/25/2007 Page 17 My Contacts Add a New Contact [general] Start by entering general information for the doctor you want to add.
5/25/2007 Page 18 My Contacts Add a New Contact [practice] Here you can add the practices the doctor is associated with (a physician may have multiple practices). You can have as many practices as needed.
5/25/2007 Page 19 My Contacts Add a New Contact [device products] Here you can add the different products a specific doctor uses. Start by adding a piece of equipment, then select the category that applies. Once you have selected your category, you can fill in details related to that piece of equipment.
5/25/2007 Page 20 My Contacts View/Modify/Delete Existing Contacts You can view, make changes to, or delete contacts with just one click.
5/25/2007 Page 21 My Contacts Manage Groups You can manage your contacts and easily make groupings according to zip code, surgical specialty or a variety of other specialized attributes.
5/25/2007 Page 22 My Contacts Manage Groups Create a name and description for a new group you would like to add.
5/25/2007 Page 23 My Contacts Manage Groups You can add contacts to a group through a 3-step process. Step 1: Choose a group
5/25/2007 Page 24 My Contacts Manage Groups You can add contacts to a group through a 3-step process. Step 2: Search for contacts
5/25/2007 Page 25 My Contacts Manage Groups You can add contacts to a group through a 3-step process. Step 3: Move contacts into group move contacts into group move contacts out of group
5/25/2007 Page 26 Communications Resources
5/25/2007 Page 27 Communications Resources This is an online resource center that includes documents and digital assets that you can: 1. Download to your computer or 2. Send as attachments via to anyone in “My Contacts”
5/25/2007 Page 28 Communications Resources Advanced Search Contextual search allows you to search for keywords within the document.
5/25/2007 Page 29 Communications Resources Document Listings View details on a document including: 1. Title 2. Author 3. Description 4. Size 5. Date Added
5/25/2007 Page 30 Communications Resources One-Click Download Download the document to your computer with one easy click.
5/25/2007 Page 31 News
5/25/2007 Page 32 News Keep up to date with company happenings and timely corporate and product information.
5/25/2007 Page 33 Calendar
5/25/2007 Page 34 Calendar This is a dynamic listing of Bausch & Lomb events. You can search for specific events by date and event location.
5/25/2007 Page 35 The End