The present guide has been worked out to make users familiarise with the platform to be used during the digital portfolio making process. The information provided concern technical procedures and indications to upload in the system material having different formats and extensions (text, file audio, video, *doc, *jpeg, etc.). Introduction
The technical guidelines provided are articulated in 3 different sessions equivalent to the 3 main sections structuring the platform: 1.Create a digital portfolio – information related to the process to be followed to upload in the platform all material considered necessary to create one’s own portfolio (audio and video files, documents, texts).
2.Modify your portfolio – information on the process to be followed to modify and update a portfolio already uploaded in the system. 3.See portfolios – information related to platform the section where all portfolios that have been uploaded in the system can be visualised.
TIPEIL web-based platform has been realised to support the application of the Digital Portfolio Model, as a tool and a methodology that the project aims at divulging and improving, with the direct contribution of field operators and experts.
The research context to which TIPEIL project refers is the valorisation of knowledge and capabilities that young and adults, employed or unemployed, achieved within non formal and informal learning contexts, so as to foster their placement or re-placement in the labour market.
TIPEIL offers to all organisations and professionals that will contribute to the development of the Digital Portfolio Model, the chance to share problems and solutions with other European subjects. The datum from which we start is to focus the attention on individual learning, a knowledge implying skills, abilities and capabilities, potential or acquired, that must be read, understood and valorised, in order to be able to help persons to find, create or re-create their personal employment and living path.
Therefore, this platform and the methodology we propose are addressed in particular to organisations and operators (tutors, trainers, counsellors, etc.) providing guidance, counselling, training and employment services to subjects – young and adults – that, for different reasons, are at risk of socio- economic exclusion.
SESSION 2 MODIFY YOUR PORTFOLIO The process to be followed to modify and update a portfolio already uploaded in the system
How to enter TIPEIL platform Go to the TIPEIL website at the address On the upper menu of the page click on the voice “digital portfolios platform”. A welcome message will introduce you to the platform. Read it carefully and then use the forms provided to register yourself in the system or to log in your username and password.
Using username and password provided, Operators/experts must to log-in in the section “Operators Login”. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER! In this way, they are the only allowed to access to all the three main sections of the platform (see portfolios, modify portfolios, create portfolios). REGISTRATION AND LOG IN Operators
To select the portfolio you need to modify, click on “View” and select the correspondent name MODIFY YOUR PORTFOLIO
Once you have chosen the portfolio you wish to modify, the first section you will see is “Personal data” and “My short profile”. MODIFY PERSONAL DATA
Make the changes you wish and click on “update” to save them. If you need to delete them completely click on “cancel”.
OPERATOR’S ADDITIONAL NOTES !This area is for operator’s use only: here it is possible to upload additional information related to the personal profile of the beneficiary holding the portfolio (comments and indications on tutor’s side, to be shared only among operators).
OPERATOR’S ADDITIONAL NOTES !This specific section will not be visible from external users. It is accessible only if entering the platform from the “Operators Login” in the registration section. Once you have inserted your notes, please send update to the system.
Please remind that once you have made the changes wished, if you want to update also the download portfolio function, you have to click on “update download portfolio”. ! NOTES
To modify information and material uploaded in the Formal, Informal and Non Formal Learning sections, you have three options: “edit” the data already uploaded, that is to work on (change or update) the information saved; “delete” the data already uploaded, that is, they will be definitely cancelled; upload new data, (e.g. to substitute something or integrate and add new material). In this case you will apply the same process you have followed when creating your portfolio. ! NOTES
To modify the information uploaded in the Formal Learning section, please click on “edit”. If you want to cancel one or more information uploaded, click on “delete”. To upload new material, click on “Upload new data”. MODIFY FORMAL LEARNING
Let’s suppose you wish to change something and you have chosen the “edit” function. Now you can: 1. Change the Secondary school/vocational training level, selecting the new one; MODIFY FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT
2. And/or change the file uploaded, browsing the new document/image from your PC and selecting it. MODIFY FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT Browse the scanned document from your PC and select it
3. And/or modify the text uploaded. Please remind to click on “update” to save all changes made. The system will make you visualize a preview with the changes you have applied. Otherwise, click on “cancel”. MODIFY FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT
After having edited your material, the system will show you a preview of the document and text uploaded. MODIFY FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT
Also in this case, please remind that once you have made the changes wished, if you want to update also the download portfolio function, you have to click on “update download portfolio”.
To modify the information uploaded in the Informal Learning section, please first click on “edit”. If you want to cancel one or more information uploaded click on “delete”. To upload new material, click on “Upload new data”. MODIFY INFORMAL LEARNING
MODIFY INFORMAL LEARNING: EDIT Let’s suppose you wish to change something and you have chosen the “edit” function. Now you can: 1. Change the context (section) to which the file you have uploaded refers (move from Work to Hobby, or from Hobby to Work);
2. And/or change the photogallery to which the file refers; 3. And/or change the file uploaded, browsing the new document/image from your PC and selecting it; MODIFY INFORMAL LEARNING: EDIT Browse the file from your PC and select it
4. And/or modify the text uploaded; 5. Create a new photogallery; 6. Upload new data. Please remind to click on “update” to save all changes made. The system will make you visualize a preview with the changes you have applied. MODIFY INFORMAL LEARNING: EDIT
Further, it is possible to change the order of the images uploaded using the rows provided.
Please remind that once you have made the changes wished, if you want to update also the download portfolio function, you have to click on “update download portfolio”.
MODIFY NON FORMAL LEARNING To modify the information uploaded in the Non Formal Learning section, please click on “edit”. If you want to cancel one or more information uploaded click on “delete”.To upload new material, click on “Upload new data”.
Let’s suppose you wish to change something and you have chosen the “edit” function. Now you can: 1.Change the file uploaded, browsing the new document/image from your PC and selecting it; 2.Modify the text uploaded; MODIFY NON FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT Browse the file from your PC and select it
3.Change the destination/photogallery to which the file refers; 4. Create a new photogallery; 5. Upload new data. Please remind to click on “update” to save all changes made. Otherwise, click on “cancel”. MODIFY NON FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT
After having “updated”, the system will make you visualize a preview with the changes you have applied. Now you can also change the order of the images uploaded. MODIFY NON FORMAL LEARNING: EDIT
HOW TO CHANGE THE ORDER OF THE IMAGES? Identify the photo you need to move and select the correspondent row for a lower position or for a higher position.
HOW TO CHANGE THE ORDER OF THE IMAGES? In this case the photo will be moved from position 1 to position 2 as showed below
Now you can also update the portfolio download
Now please go to Technical Guidelines Session 3 See portfolios Thank you for the attention