MyFloridaMarketPlace New Requester Training
Page - 2 Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Exploring Catalogs Creating a Requisition Following Up On Your Order Receiving Commodities Invoice eForms Viewing Payment Information System Searches Change Orders Cancel Requisition Managing your Queue Vendor Performance Tracking Questions & Answers
Page - 3 Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Exploring Catalogs Creating a Requisition Following Up On Your Order Receiving Commodities Invoice eForms Viewing Payment Information System Searches Change Orders Cancel Requisition Managing your Queue Vendor Performance Tracking Questions & Answers
Page - 4 What is MyFloridaMarketPlace? MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) is the State of Florida’s source for centralized procurement. Started operation July 1, One-stop shop for accessing on-line catalogs and information about vendors that provide goods and services to the State. More Choice: MFMP provides online access to the system’s registered vendors, State Term Contracts, quoting, and sourcing. Reduced Error Rates: More validation of purchasing and F&A information. Faster order processing time: By automating the transactions, contracts, and approvals; the time for requisition to payment is reduced. Reduction in the cost of goods and services: MFMP leverages its significant buying power by enabling Florida to act as a single entity during contract and purchasing negotiations to receive the best value on goods and services for state agencies.
Page - 5 General Abilities of a Requester in MFMP You will have the ability to: Create and Submit a Requisition Initiate change orders Initiate receipts against your orders Create and Submit an Invoice eForm Search and copy your purchase orders Create folders and file items within them
Page - 6 Terminology Direct Order (DO) = Purchase Order (PO) Direct orders are purchase orders that are automatically generated in MFMP when a requisition is fully approved. Direct Orders are then sent directly to the chosen suppliers by fax, , or ASN. Requester = Purchaser = On Behalf Of (OBO) The person who submits a request for good or services Encumbering = Reserving money from your budget in the state’s accounting system (FLAIR). When you encumber you will get an encumbrance number. Line Item – One item on an order regardless of quantity. Split Accounting – A MFMP feature that allows the cost of a line item to be split between different accounts and funds. Splits can be by percentage, quantity, or total amount. eForm – An electronic form. Examples include Invoice eForm, Cancel Requisition eForm, etc.
Page - 7 Terminology Approval Flow – Approval flows specify which individuals review a request. Approvals can be active, approved, or denied. Examples include requisitions and delegation of authority requests. Watcher - An optional approver in an approval flow. These approvers must be manually added. Commodity – An item of physical property. Normally these items have a commodity code that begins with a number other than 9. Receipt – An electronic receiving report completed for all commodity purchases when the ordered item(s) are physically received. Three-way Match – Process by which MFMP matches the purchase order, receipt, and invoice to check for any variances in quantity or amount. This match is done for commodity invoices. Service – Work done by someone that does not include the manufacturing of goods. Normally these items have a commodity code that begins with the number 9. Two Way Match – Process by which MFMP matches the purchase order to the invoice. This match is done for service invoices. The requester or OBO must approve the invoice as approval that the service was rendered.
Page - 8 Terminology PUI – Purchasing Unit Indicator that, based on your profile, dictates the flow of your requests. Redact – Obscuring or removing sensitive (confidential) information prior to scanning and attaching the document into MFMP. Session – A single period of time when using the MyFloridaMarketPlace system. A customer’s session will time-out after 15 minutes of inactivity. A pop-up box will appear at the 14 th minute and provide a count down of 60 seconds, prior to session logout (for a total time out of 15 minutes). Status – The status of a transaction is determined by the actions taken for a given type of transaction. The most common statuses are: Composing, Submitted, Denied, Approved, Ordered, Canceled, Receiving, and Received. Additional information can be found on the MFMP Toolkit available on the DMS website
Page - 9 Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Exploring Catalogs Creating a Requisition Following Up On Your Order Receiving Commodities Invoice eForms Viewing Payment Information System Searches Change Orders Cancel Requisition Managing your Queue Vendor Performance Tracking Questions & Answers
Page - 10 Login Screen You will sign on with your user name and password You can select “where” you want to go by clicking on your option in the dropdown box
Page - 11 Home Page The “circle” on the home page is called a “Swoosh”. All items on the Swoosh correlate to a header on the shortcut menu. Because the shortcut menu includes the actionable items, it saves you a step to click on your link(s) under the shortcut menu as opposed to clicking on the header of your Swoosh and then selecting your item for action there. Shortcut Menu
Page - 12 Logout Remember to log out by clicking the Logout button. Don’t click the “X” on your Explorer screen.
Page - 13 Logout Warning When your session has been idle for 14 minutes, the Logout Warning popup will appear with a countdown of 60 seconds. If you want to continue with your work in MFMP, click on the Cancel Logout and your session will remain open.
Page - 14 Dropdown Boxes Dropdown boxes hold your last five choices. If your choice is not listed, click “Other” to search by entering all or part of the name or item you wish to select.
Page - 15 Calendars Dates can be entered manually in the following format: - M/D/YY or M/DD/YY - MM/D/YY or MM/DD/YY - M/D/YYYY or M/DD/YYYY - MM/D/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY OR they can be entered by clicking on the calendar box and selecting the date. When the calendar box has been selected, to move forward by one month, click the single arrow. To move forward by one year, click the double arrow. Once you have found the appropriate date, click on the date and it will populate onto your requisition.
Page - 16 Personal Account Preferences To Change your Password, Delegate Approval Authority, or notifications, click on your Preferences link.
Page - 17 Preferences Page To Change your password, click this link.
Page - 18 Changing Your Password MFMP is a secure system. Don’t share your password. Passwords must be a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 8 characters and are case sensitive. If you forget your password, contact your system administrator for assistance.
Page - 19 Delegate Approval Authority Customers should complete a Delegation of Authority when they are going to be on leave and/or out of the office and unable to obtain Internet access. The delegation authorization is completed by accessing Preferences, selecting Delegation of Authority, and completing the required fields. Delegation is extremely important to ensure Purchase Requisitions, Invoice Reconciliations and Receipts are approved in a timely manner. The scheduled delegation task takes place at 1:00 AM (EST) every day. This means that delegation requests posted at 9 AM (EST) today will become effective immediately after approval.
Page - 20 Delegating Authority To Delegate your authority, click here.
Page - 21 Delegate Approval Authority Submit your delegation request far enough in advance to give your supervisor enough time to approve your request before you leave.
Page - 22 Editing Notifications Click on your notification preferences
Page - 23 Editing Notifications Scroll down the menu to select the notification you want to change. In this example, we have clicked on Receipt.
Page Notification Method With immediate notification, customers will receive s as soon as an item requiring their approval becomes active in the workflow. summaries are sent once a day and contain a list of all items requiring the customer’s approval.
Page Notification Frequency If you want to receive notifications for your requisitions once an approver has made action on them, you can select to check either of these boxes. For receipts, “When I need to approve a document” click in the dropdown and select Never Send and “When my approval is Overdue”, click in the dropdown and select Never Send to never receive an about a receipt approvable.
Page - 26 Practical Exercise #1 (System Basics) Conduct Practical Exercise as instructed.
Page - 27 Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Exploring Catalogs Creating a Requisition Following Up On Your Order Receiving Commodities Invoice eForms Viewing Payment Information System Searches Change Orders Cancel Requisition Managing your Queue Vendor Performance Tracking Questions & Answers
Page - 28 Exploring Catalogs The most effective way to determine if an item is “loaded” as a State Term Contract is to explore Catalogs prior to initiating your requisition. To do so, click on the Catalogs link of the Shortcut Menu
Page - 29 Exploring Catalogs Search fields on this page are for STC contracts and suppliers only. When selecting the Options link, the menu appears which allows you to select individual fields (click on the item and it will populate on your Add Items field), OR Catalog “Browse Path” provides each catalog category and a count of all line item catalogs loaded as well as including all lines loaded under the sub- category section. You can select Show all search options and all search filters will appear (see the next page).
Page - 30 Exploring Catalogs – Show All Search When you are finished with one search and want to do a completely separate search, click your “Reset” button and your screen will refresh to begin your new search. The Contract ID field is to select a STC by contract #. You can enter all or part of the number, but you must use the established dashes, i.e or to obtain results.
Page - 31 Exploring Catalogs – Saving Item to Favorites For this search, The keywords used were “8.5 x 11” and “White” The Recycle Search field was selected to “Yes” The Supplier was selected as “Mac Papers” An item that a customer may order repeatedly can be saved as a Favorite. Click on the Add to Favorites link. If no Favorites Group is already established, click Other…
Page - 32 Creating a Favorite Group Name your group with a name that will be easy for you to remember, then click on Create Group
Page - 33 Adding Catalog Item to Favorite Group The selected item will populate at the top and can now be added to your group.
Page - 34 Changing your Details view To be able to populate the quantity field and to add these items to your cart, ensure that your last field is populated with Details (multi). If not auto-populated, you can select from your drop down. The item has been added to your Favorites Group (see comment) and the Favorite has populated with a star
Page - 35 Creating a Requisition from the Catalog Page Type in the quantity for the amount you want to purchase Check the box to the left of Qty Click “Add to Cart” Check Yes (You would like to create a Requisition) and you will be taken to the title page.
Page - 36 Ordering Instructions The scroll represents this is a State Term Contract. Click on the scroll link and it will direct you to the DMS State Term Contract site. If your search returns a “question mark”. Click on the link to obtain ordering instructions and authorized dealers (see the next slide)
Page - 37 Add Items – Global Icon Scroll down the page to obtain the additional information to place an order and authorized dealers to contact, etc.
Page - 38 Add Items – Catalog Scroll Icon Results from clicking on the “Scroll” which takes you to the DMS website and this exact contract
Page - 39 Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Exploring Catalogs Creating a Requisition Following Up On Your Order Receiving Commodities Invoice eForms Viewing Payment Information System Searches Change Orders Cancel Requisition Managing your Queue Vendor Performance Tracking Questions & Answers
Page - 40 Creating a Requisition – Catalog/Non-catalog Line Item Catalog - State term contracts loaded and searchable as line item entries in MFMP (with other than a $0.00 amount) are able to be selected and added as line items onto the requisition. Loaded State Term Contracts are entered as Master Agreements. Non-Catalog - To create requisitions for purchases not loaded as a line item catalog and/or a Punchout catalog; to create requisitions (releases) against an Agency Term Contract.
Page - 41 Creating a Requisition - Add Items Punch out – State term contracts that allow you to “Punchout” directly to the supplier’s website to add items to populate your requisition. Currently there are catalogs that are “Punchout”: Office Depot, Fisher-Scientific, Grainger, VFImagewear, MeadWestVaco (5/08) (Superior Uniform Group, Gateway, HP, Dell, Verizon, and Lenovo are under development.) Master Agreement – Loaded State Term Contract or Agency Term Contract (generally based on an ITN, ITB, RFP).
Page - 42 Creating a Requisition – Add Title TITLE: Follow your Agency’s naming convention for the Title of your PR. ON BEHALF OF: Defaults to the requester’s name but may be changed, as required, based on your agency’s procedures. (This is sometimes done for “Services” requisitions.) DELAY PURCHASE UNTIL: Leave blank unless necessary (ex: creating requisitions for the following fiscal year many agencies would use a Delay Purchase Until date of 7/1/XX) or as required by your agency. A requisition may be withdrawn and edited by the requester, while the requisition is still in a submitted status, until the Delay Purchase Until date.
Page - 43 Creating a Requisition – Add Title PO START DATE: PO Start dates are generally entered to establish service start and end dates, when creating a blanket purchase order to cover a selected period of time and/or as directed by your purchasing office. PO END DATE: PO End dates are generally entered to establish service start and end dates, when creating a blanket purchase order to cover a selected period of time and/or as directed by your purchasing office. FISCAL YEAR: The system will default to the current fiscal year. There is no need to make changes unless you are creating a requisition for the following fiscal year. For those requisitions, it is suggested that you click on your dropdown and select the appropriate fiscal year the requisition is being generated for (for reporting purposes). PUI#: Defaults as per the requester’s profile and is used by the system for requisition routing purposes. As a general rule this should not be changed unless your agency requires you to do so.
Page - 44 Creating a Requisition – Add Title Encumber Funds: Check if MFMP is to encumber the purchase order in FLAIR. PCard Order: Check this box if payment will be made by PCard. Only one box can be checked: Encumber Funds or PCard. The requisition can go through with neither box checked as unencumbered. Do Not Send Purchase Order to Vendor: This is generally checked when creating a “Confirming Purchase Order” or an “accounting only” change is being made to your PR. Never check the box if sending to an vendor who electronically invoices you.
Page - 45 Creating a Requisition from a Punchout Catalog Office Depot has been entered as a Keyword Search. Punchouts return with a “Buy From Supplier” selection. Click the link to punchout to the vendor’s website. “Punchout” requisitions are “catalog” requisitions that allow you to “Punchout” directly to the supplier’s website to add items to populate your requisition.
Page - 46 Creating a Requisition from a Punchout Catalog When you click on the “Buy from Supplier” button, you will be taken to this page “Create Requisition”. To proceed, click “OK”. If you don’t want to see this page again, click this box and you will not see this page again in the future.
Page - 47 Add Items – Office Depot Punchout Example You are at the Office Depot website for State of Florida purchases For this requisition, we are searching for pens. “Pen” was entered in the search field and search selected.
Page - 48 Search Results Results from the search return and we selected Rollerball Gel-Ink Pens.
Page - 49 Adding Items to the Punchout site Shopping Cart The first item returned is selected for our purchase. Qty has been included as 25 and “Add to Cart” selected. NOTE: Best Value indicates a State Term Contract item as Office Depot’s Punchout site contains all products that Office Depot sells and not STC items only.
Page - 50 Shopping Cart Options This is the view of the shopping cart with additional shopping options. At this time we are verifying this is all we need to purchase and want to proceed to Checkout. Do not select Logout from the Punchout site. It will not save your selected information.
Page - 51 Populating items to MFMP Requisition from Punchout Shopping Cart Click Continue and the item will populate into your MFMP requisition.
Page - 52 Items populating on requisition from the Punchout site Shopping Cart Item populates as a Punchout item and are back inside the MFMP requisition.
Page - 53 Checkout Page - Maximizing and Widening the View of the Screen This arrow represents the “Navigation panel” which allows the ability to collapse (which will widen your screen) or expand the Navigation Panel by clicking it. The double arrow allows you to expand your line item view. When the arrows are pointing down, this means the screen is minimized.
Page - 54 Selecting items to Edit - Checkout Unless you have edited your items on your Add Items page, you will edit your items during Checkout. Once the item has been selected it will turn a shaded color. Once selected you can edit, copy or delete that line item. You will always get the error message which is just a reminder to, minimally, edit your accounting information and your Method of Procurement.
Page - 55 Editing the detail of the line items Once you have selected the edit button, you will be taken to the detail page. For a catalog purchase, the price and state contract id # are protected fields and cannot be changed. Any field that is marked with an asterisk (*) is required to be completed. Populate the Method of Procurement by clicking the dropdown box.
Page - 56 Method of Procurement Once the dropdown has been selected, all of the selectable fields will populate, but with a State Term Contract purchase, it will either be “A” or “B”. This purchase is an “A”. Your purchasing professionals will assist you with selecting the appropriate Method of Procurement.
Page - 57 Accounting Information - PCard If you selected PCard on your title page, the PCard Number and PCard Exp Date fields will be displayed. The PCard information can only be entered by the customer who creates the requisition. The PCard number will be entered without any dashes or spaces; the expiration date will be entered as mm/yy The entry of the PCard information on the requisition is not required. You can enter a comment on the requisition requesting that the supplier contact you for the PCard information upon receiving the purchase order.
Page - 58 Accounting Information The organization code populates based on your MFMP profile. Click the dropdown box and choose Other to select the most current EO. You must select an expansion option first and that will then populate the rest of the fields and remove your error messages. Your Purchasing, Finance and Accounting or Budget professionals will assist you with knowing the appropriate EOs to select Note: The object code populates based on the commodity code selected but is an editable field and can be changed. It is always a good idea to check your object code to ensure it is correct.
Page - 59 Viewing Accounting Information By selecting the correct EO all of the error fields have now populated
Page - 60 Viewing Shipping Information – Line Item Level Shipping information on the line item defaults to your profile information as it does on the “header” level. Additionally the person’s name that populates defaults to the requester’s name but can be changed to anyone – they do not have to be a customer in MFMP to populate their name in this field. If you are making a purchase to send to multiple locations, you would copy each line item but then change the shipping information to each location you wanted to ship to. Once we are finished making all of our changes on this page, click OK to save your changes and you will be returned to the Checkout page
Page - 61 Reviewing the line item information after Selecting detail We no longer have any “Invalid” field error messages. You can continue to scroll down the page to view your line item detail. If you click the outside scroll, it will take you to the bottom of the requisition.
Page - 62 Shipping and Attachments – Checkout Header Level Shipping information on the Header Level defaults to your profile information but can be changed to anyone – they do not have to be a customer in MFMP to populate their name in this field. Ensure that the appropriate FOB Code (Freight Terms) is selected per your agency’s practices. Attachments may need to be included to justify your purchase. In order to attach a document, you must ensure that the second box is read and checked. Failure to do so will not allow the document to be attached. Then click Add Attachment.
Page - 63 Including Attachments Click on your Browse button to locate the item you want to attach.
Page - 64 Including Attachments Locate your file (in this example the file is located on the Desktop) and click Open.
Page - 65 Including Attachments The file will populate in the Browse Field. If this is not the correct document, click Browse again to select the correct item. Once the correct file populates, then click “OK” for it to be added to your requisition. NOTE: Although multiple attachments can be added to the requisition, they cannot be added at one time.
Page - 66 Reviewing Attachments and Submitting Requisition The comment and attachment that you want to go to the vendor is included. Now that we have reviewed our requisition, we are ready to Submit. Click the Submit button to initiate your requisition into the Approval Flow. The comments box automatically defaults to being checked which will include your comments on the purchase order issued to the vendor. If your comments are for internal purposes only, uncheck the box.
Page - 67 Viewing the Status of the Submitted Requisition A good practice every time you submit your requisition is to click “View”. This is to ensure your requisition has submitted successfully and is now “active” with the first person or role in the approval flow.
Page - 68 Viewing Approval Flow of the Submitted Requisition You are able to identify at what level/role the requisition is awaiting approval. A requisition can be awaiting approval in a person’s queue for 10 days until it progresses to the person’s supervisor. Therefore if you find a requisition has been awaiting approval for quite some time, you may want to contact that person to expedite the approval. It is important to note that the request will NOT escalate if active with a Role. Ex. 7200: Purchasing Office is a “role”. A role or person can be added to the approval flow, but should only be done so as per your Agency’s practice. This submitted request shows it is active in the Approval Flow with the first approver. Once she approves her approval “node” will change to the color green and be populated with a checkmark in front of her name (see Legend).
Page - 69 Practical Exercise #2 (Catalog Requisition) Create a Catalog Requisition as instructed.