Anne Gilligan is the teacher/librarian. Anne’s interest is in equipping children with research skills.In this project the focus was on children understanding their cultural heritage and places of local significance.Prior to the excursion children were asked to define their knowledge about the area and what new knowledge they hoped to acquire. A survey was the basis of subsequent library lessons. At the end of the project children’s knowledge was consolidated by participating in a puppet show Meeting Kauna which linked traditional Aboriginal culture to modern society.
The aim of this presentation is to link Learning to Learn at Magill Junior Primary School to the SACSA framework Caring Cooperation Selfworth Diversity Achievement Respect Thinkers Keys -Six hats -Critical literacy- Open questions
The basis for change is common understanding of Learning to Learn principles, Magill Core Values, SACSA Essential Learnings and the strands in Society and Environment. Teachers’ special interests are profiled and valued as diverse contributions to the whole project. Exploring Australian Identity through our natural and Aboriginal heritage with a visit to Morialta Falls as a whole school experience. Teacher diversity Individuals contribute to the whole
Magill J.P. Core Values and Aboriginal Education 2002 Cultural diversity Rules for Living Empathy with others Concern for others and the environment. Understanding and expressing new knowledge. Myself as an Australian.
How I express my ideas and understanding about Aboriginal culture and explain to others. How I want our world reconciled with Aboriginal people. Where and how I fit with all Australians. My Australian heritage How I understand our country and its people.
KC1 Collecting, analysing and organising information * Surveying children for prior knowledge about Morialta. KC2 Communicating ideas and information * Response to stories, art and the environment. KC3 Planning and organising activities * Practising Aboriginal games, visiting S.A Museum. KC4 Working with others and in teams * Working with a group at Morialta and in class. KC5 Using mathematical ideas and techniques * Designing art works and using Aboriginal symbols. KC6 Solving problems *Civics & citizenship- Reconciliation KC7 Using technology * ICT samples of work.
with teacher profile and area of interest. organised through Standard 1 Outcomes- adapted for Aboriginal Education Children : listen and retell Aboriginal stories and explain their relevance for Australia. begin to recognise many traditional stories have a spiritual element. describe how Dreaming stories teach about ways of behaviour and respect for people resources and the environment. identify how people cooperate in society to meet current and future needs.